Castlevania Wiki
Castlevania Wiki

List of enemies in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon.


Enemy Data[]

Enemy Data: Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (edit)
Image Name - Game
Statistics Items Location Notes
Cotmbat Bat (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 5
Exp: 4
Atk: 50
Def: 15
Timestop: Affected
Common Drop: Wrist Band (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Heart (0.5%)
Cotm medusahead Medusa Head (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Stone
HP: 6
Exp: 2
Atk: 120
Def: 60
Common Drop: Wrist Band (1.5%)
Rare Drop: Hard Ring (0.4%)
Machine Tower
(Strategy)Abil: Stone
Cotm killerbee Killer Bee (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 8
Exp: 88
Atk: 308
Def: 108
Common Drop: Antidote (3%)
Rare Drop: Night Suit (0.2%)
Eternal Corridor (after defeating Death), Underground Gallery
(Strategy)Abil: Poison
Spirit Spirit (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Fire
HP: 9
Exp: 1
Atk: 55
Def: 17
Common Drop: Wrist Band (2%)
Rare Drop: Mind Restore (0.4%)
Deviltower Devil Tower (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Stone
HP: 10/50 (*)
Exp: 17/600
Atk: 140/560
Def: 200/700
Common Drop: Wrist Band (4%)
Rare Drop: Potion (1.25%)
Audience Room, Battle Arena(*)
COTM Willowisp Will O' Wisp (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Fire
HP: 11
Exp: 9
Atk: 110
Def: 16
Drop: Wrist Band (2.5%)
Common Drop: Mind Restore (0.5%)
Audience Room, Triumph Hallway, Outer Wall
Cotmectoplasm Ectoplasm (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 12
Exp: 2
Atk: 165
Def: 51
Common Drop: Wrist Band (2%)
Rare Drop: Mind Restore (0.4%)
Audience Room, Eternal Corridor
Specter Specter (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Fire
HP: 15
Exp: 3
Atk: 295
Def: 95
Common Drop: Mind Restore (0.45%)
Rare Drop: Mind High (0.15%)
Underground Gallery
Brainfloat Brain Float (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Electricity
HP: 20
Exp: 10
Atk: 50
Def: 25
Common Drop: Leather Armor (5%)
Rare Drop: Mind Restore (0.75%)
Catacomb, Chapel Tower, Underground Gallery, Underground Waterway, Outer Wall
Eviltower Evil Pillar (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Stone
HP: 20/55 (*)
Exp: 480/1,500
Atk: 460/655
Def: 800/900
Common Drop: Steel Armor (2%)
Rare Drop: Toy Ring (0.25%)
Observation Tower, Battle Arena(*)
Abil: Stone
Bombskele Skeleton Bomber (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Fire
HP: 20/150 (*)
Exp: 4/550
Atk: 50/500
Def: 40/200
Common Drop: Salamander (20%)
Rare Drop: Potion (1%)
Sealed Room, Catacomb, Chapel Tower, Outer Wall, Battle Arena(*)
Cotmbonehead Bone Head (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Fire
HP: 24
Exp: 7
Atk: 60
Def: 80
Timestop: Affected
Common Drop: Mercury (20%)
Rare Drop: Heart (1%)
Catacomb, Abyss Stairway
Cotm mudman Mudman (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Earth
HP: 25
Exp: 2
Atk: 79
Def: 30
Common Drop: Cotton Clothes (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Mind Restore (0.5%)
Cotm skeleton Skeleton (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 25/150 (*)
Exp: 5/500
Atk: 65/400
Def: 45/200
Drop: Leather Armor (2.5%)
Common Drop: Potion (1%)
Catacomb, Abyss Stairway, Audience Room, Triumph Hallway, Machine Tower, Battle Arena(*)
Abil: Bone Throw (arc)
Bloodysword Bloody Sword (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 30/55 (*)
Exp: 200/2,000
Atk: 200/600
Def: 500/1,200
Timestop: Affected/Slow, Affected (Item Crush)
Common Drop: Arm Guard (5%)
Rare Drop: Mars (1.2%)
Chapel Tower, Battle Arena(*)
Abil: Poison (only in Battle Arena)
COTM Gremlin Gremlin (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Wind
HP: 30
Exp: 2
Atk: 80
Def: 33
Common Drop: Wrist Band (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Mind Restore (0.5%)
Catacomb, Abyss Stairway
Skeletonspear Skeleton Spear (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 30/150 (*)
Exp: 6/580
Atk: 65/400
Def: 46/200
Common Drop: Leather Armor (3%)
Rare Drop: Cotton Robe (1%)
Catacomb, Battle Arena(*)
Skeletonsoldier Skeleton Soldier (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 35
Exp: 16
Atk: 90
Def: 60
Common Drop: Leather Armor (3%)
Rare Drop: Bronze Armor (1%)
Abyss Stairway, Audience Room
Hopper Hopper (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 40
Exp: 8
Atk: 87
Def: 35
Common Drop: Cotton Clothes (5%)
Rare Drop: Gauntlet (1.5%)
Slime Slime (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 40
Exp: 102
Atk: 18
Def: 11
Common Drop: Antidote (4%)
Rare Drop: Venus (2.5%)
Catacomb (after defeating Cerberus), Abyss Stairway, Audience Room, Machine Tower
Abil: Poison
Spearfish Spearfish (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Ice
HP: 40
Exp: 280
Atk: 360
Def: 450
Common Drop: Heart (2%)
Rare Drop: Heart Ex (0.4%)
Underground Waterway
Elecskele2 Electric Skeleton (Skeleton Electric) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Electricity
HP: 42/150 (*)
Exp: 30/700
Atk: 80/400
Def: 50/200
Common Drop: Leather Armor (3%)
Rare Drop: Golem (1%)
Audience Room, Outer Wall, Battle Arena(*)
Zombie2 Zombie (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 48
Exp: 2
Atk: 70
Def: 20
Common Drop: Cotton Clothes (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Potion (0.5%)
Catacomb, Triumph Hallway
Myconid Myconid (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Plants
HP: 50
Exp: 25
Atk: 250
Def: 114
Common Drop: Potion (1%)
Rare Drop: Mind High (0.2%)
Underground Gallery
Skeletonknight Skeleton Knight (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 50
Exp: 39
Atk: 140
Def: 80
Common Drop: Leather Armor (3%)
Rare Drop: Bronze Armor (1.25%)
Audience Room, Machine Tower, Eternal Corridor, Chapel Tower
Evilhand Evil Hand (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 52
Exp: 63
Atk: 150
Def: 120
Common Drop: Prison Garb (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Intelligence Ring (0.6%)
Eternal Corridor, Underground Gallery, Underground Waterway
Axearmor cotm Axe Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 55
Exp: 31
Atk: 120
Def: 130
Timestop: Affected
Common Drop: Leather Armor (4%)
Rare Drop: Mandragora (1.5%)
Abyss Stairway, Audience Room, Outer Wall
Weapons: Axe
Cotmfleaman Fleaman (Flea Flicker Man) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 60
Exp: 29
Atk: 142
Def: 45
Common Drop: Cotton Clothes (5%)
Rare Drop: Arm Guard (1.25%)
Catacomb (after defeating Cerberus), Audience Room, Triumph Hallway
COTM Gargoyle Gargoyle (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Wind
HP: 60
Exp: 3
Atk: 160
Def: 66
Common Drop: Prison Garb (1.5%)
Rare Drop: Heart High (0.4%)
Abyss Stairway (after defeating Iron Golem), Audience Room
Cotm merman Merman (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Ice
HP: 60
Exp: 10
Atk: 303
Def: 301
Common Drop: Gauntlet (1%)
Rare Drop: Meat (0.15%)
Underground Waterway
Abil: Freeze
Castlevania CotM enemy-Skeleton Boomerang Skeleton Boomerang (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Wind
HP: 60
Exp: 112
Atk: 170
Def: 90
Common Drop: Miracle Armband (4.2%)
Rare Drop: Stylish Suit (1%)
Machine Tower, Eternal Corridor
Foxhunter Fox Archer (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 75
Exp: 53
Atk: 130
Def: 59
Common Drop: Cotton Robe (2%)
Rare Drop: Silk Robe (1%)
Machine Tower
Clinkingman Clinking Man (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 80
Exp: 21
Atk: 135
Def: 25
Common Drop: Prison Garb (4%)
Rare Drop: Miracle Armband (1%)
Audience Room, Triumph Hallway
Cotmfishhead Fishhead (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Ice
HP: 80
Exp: 486
Atk: 320
Def: 504
Common Drop: Chain Mail (1.5%)
Rare Drop: Mind Ex (0.3%)
Underground Waterway
Heatshade Heat Shade (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Fire
HP: 80
Exp: 136
Atk: 240
Def: 200
Common Drop: Stylish Suit (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Jupiter (2.2%)
Audience Room, Machine Tower, Chapel Tower, Observation Tower
Cotm marionette Marionette (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 80
Exp: 127
Atk: 160
Def: 150
Common Drop: Cure Curse (4.5%)
Rare Drop: Mind High (0.75%)
Chapel Tower, Battle Arena(*)
Abil: Curse
Bonetower Bone Tower (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Fire
HP: 84/120 (*)
Exp: 160/800
Atk: 201/500
Def: 280/650
Timestop: Affected/Slow, Affected (Item Crush)
Common Drop: Heart (2%)
Rare Drop: Heart High (0.75%)
Catacomb (after defeating Iron Golem), Machine Tower, Eternal Corridor, Chapel Tower, Underground Warehouse, Battle Arena(*)
Abiondarg Abiondarg (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Electricity
HP: 88/188 (*)
Exp: 388/588
Atk: 388/588
Def: 188/288
Timestop: Affected/Slow, Affected (Item Crush)
Common Drop: Potion (1.25%)
Rare Drop: Spiced Meat (0.3%)
Underground Waterway, Battle Arena(*)
Cotm imp Imp (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 90
Exp: 103
Atk: 220
Def: 99
Common Drop: Salamander (20%)
Rare Drop: Spiced Meat (0.25%)
Audience Room (after defeating Dragon Zombie), Underground Gallery
Stonearmor Stone Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Stone
HP: 90/260 (*)
Exp: 222/3,000
Atk: 220/585
Def: 320/750
Common Drop: Hard Ring (6%)
Rare Drop: Cockatrice (1.8%)
Catacomb, Machine Tower, Battle Arena (*)
Hyena Hyena (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 93/210 (*)
Exp: 105/1,000
Atk: 140/408
Def: 70/170
Common Drop: Potion (1.5%)
Rare Drop: Night Suit (0.5%)
Audience Room, Chapel Tower, Battle Arena(*)
Coffin Coffin (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Earth
HP: 100
Exp: 3
Atk: 100
Def: 35
Common Drop: Cotton Clothes (3%)
Rare Drop: Heart (0.75%)
Cotm mummy Mummy (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Earth
HP: 100
Exp: 3
Atk: 100
Def: 35
Common Drop: Cotton Clothes (3%)
Rare Drop: Heart (0.75%)
Foxhunter2 Fox Hunter (Hunter Fox) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 100/160 (*)
Exp: 272/600
Atk: 290/510
Def: 140/220
Common Drop: Potion (1.4%)
Rare Drop: Meat (0.8%)
Catacomb, Underground Warehouse, Battle Arena(*)
Ghoul Ghoul (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 100
Exp: 3
Atk: 190
Def: 79
Common Drop: Prison Garb (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Heart High (0.3%)
Eternal Corridor, Chapel Tower
Cotmlizardman Lizardman (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Ice
HP: 100
Exp: 800
Atk: 345
Def: 400
Common Drop: Chain Mail (1.4%)
Rare Drop: Mandragora (1.35%)
Underground Gallery, Underground Waterway
Skeleath Skeleton Athlete (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 100
Exp: 25
Atk: 50
Def: 40
Common Drop: Cotton Clothes (3%)
Rare Drop: Griffin (0.75%)
Audience Room
Poltergeist Poltergeist (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 105
Exp: 510
Atk: 360
Def: 380
Common Drop: Cursed Ring (2%)
Rare Drop: Mind High (0.6%)
Underground Warehouse
Cotm wight Wight (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 110
Exp: 4
Atk: 235
Def: 87
Common Drop: Silk Robe (1.5%)
Rare Drop: Mind High (0.15%)
Underground Warehouse, Underground Gallery
Cotm frozenshade Frozen Shade (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Ice
HP: 112
Exp: 1,212
Atk: 490
Def: 560
Common Drop: Magic Gauntlet (3%)
Rare Drop: Star Bracelet (1%)
Audience Room, Underground Waterway, Observation Tower
Abil: Freeze
Dryad Dryad (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Plants
HP: 120
Exp: 300
Atk: 300
Def: 360
Common Drop: Heart High (1%)
Rare Drop: Heart Mega (0.2%)
Underground Warehouse
Cotm harpy Harpy (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Wind
HP: 120
Exp: 271
Atk: 275
Def: 200
Common Drop: Stylish Suit (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Star Bracelet (0.8%)
Underground Gallery
Cotm-poison-worm Poison Worm (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 120
Exp: 12
Atk: 30
Def: 20
Common Drop: Antidote (4%)
Rare Drop: Magic Gauntlet (0.5%)
Abil: Poison
Zombiethief Zombie Thief (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Wind
HP: 120
Exp: 58
Atk: 185
Def: 30
Common Drop: Prison Garb (3%)
Rare Drop: Luck Ring (0.9%)
Catacomb, Audience Room
Eartharmor Earth Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Earth
HP: 130
Exp: 249
Atk: 230
Def: 280
Common Drop: Gauntlet (4%)
Rare Drop: Gold Armor (2%)
Machine Tower
Kingmoth King Moth (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 140
Exp: 88
Atk: 290
Def: 160
Common Drop: Antidote (3%)
Rare Drop: Heart Ex (0.2%)
Underground Warehouse, Underground Gallery
Abil: Poison
Cotm witch Witch (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 144/210 (*)
Exp: 600/1,000
Atk: 330/480
Def: 290/340
Common Drop: Mind Restore (1.25%)
Rare Drop: Magic Robe (0.2%)
Audience Room, Eternal Corridor (after defeating Death), Underground Waterway, Battle Arena(*)
Beastdemon Beast Demon (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 150
Exp: 260
Atk: 330
Def: 250
Timestop: Slow, Affected (Item Crush)
Common Drop: Arm Guard (4%)
Rare Drop: Cursed Ring (1%)
Eternal Corridor, Chapel Tower
Earthdemon Earth Demon (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Earth
HP: 150
Exp: 25
Atk: 90
Def: 85
Common Drop: Magic Gauntlet (15%)
Rare Drop: Serpent (2.5%)
Scary Candle - Circle of the Moon - 01 Scary Candle (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 150
Exp: 900
Atk: 300
Def: 300
Common Drop: Heart Ex (0.8%)
Rare Drop: Uranus (0.6%)
Machine Tower (after defeating Dragon Zombie)
Succubus CotM Succubus (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 150/300 (*)
Exp: 710/3,100
Atk: 400/670
Def: 350/630
Common Drop: Intelligence Ring (2.4%)
Rare Drop: Manticore (1.5%)
Audience Room (after defeating Dragon Zombie), Chapel Tower, Underground Warehouse, Battle Arena(*)
Flamearmor Flame Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Fire
HP: 160
Exp: 280
Atk: 320
Def: 300
Common Drop: Bronze Armor (5%)
Rare Drop: Heart Ex (1%)
Triumph Hallway, Chapel Tower
Cotmsiren Siren (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Wind
HP: 160
Exp: 880
Atk: 443
Def: 300
Common Drop: Griffin (2%)
Rare Drop: Mind High (0.5%)
Underground Waterway, Observation Tower
1Werewolf Were-wolf (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 160/340 (*)
Exp: 140/1,100
Atk: 265/525
Def: 110/180
Common Drop: Gauntlet (2%)
Rare Drop: Meat (1%)
Audience Room, Battle Arena(*)
Thunderdemon Thunder Demon (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Electricity
HP: 180
Exp: 450
Atk: 270
Def: 230
Common Drop: Magic Gauntlet (15%)
Rare Drop: Manticore (3%)
Machine Tower, Chapel Tower
Mantis Death Mantis (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 200
Exp: 400
Atk: 318
Def: 240
Common Drop: Hard Ring (5%)
Rare Drop: Cockatrice (1.5%)
Underground Gallery
Trick Candle - Circle of the Moon - 01 Trick Candle (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 200
Exp: 1,400
Atk: 400
Def: 400
Common Drop: Heart Mega (0.5%)
Rare Drop: Pluto (0.4%)
Catacomb (after defeating Camilla)
Werepanther Were-Panther (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 200
Exp: 270
Atk: 300
Def: 130
Drop: Wrist Band (5.5%)
Common Drop: Thunderbird (1.1%)
Chapel Tower
Thunderarmor Thunder Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Electricity
HP: 204
Exp: 800
Atk: 340
Def: 320
Common Drop: Gold Armor (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Steel Armor (0.75%)
Audience Room, Chapel Tower (after defeating Adramelech), Underground Warehouse, Underground Gallery
Cotm gorgon Gorgon (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Stone
HP: 230
Exp: 219
Atk: 215
Def: 165
Common Drop: Heart (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Meat (1%)
Eternal Corridor, Chapel Tower
Abil: Stone
Dullahan Dullahan (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 240
Exp: 2,200
Atk: 550
Def: 440
Common Drop: Platinum Armor (2%)
Rare Drop: Thunderbird (1.4%)
Observation Tower
Icearmor Ice Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Ice
HP: 240
Exp: 500
Atk: 470
Def: 520
Common Drop: Steel Armor (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Neptune (1.2%)
Underground Waterway
Abil: Freeze
Nightmare Nightmare (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 250
Exp: 2,000
Atk: 550
Def: 550
Common Drop: Mind Restore (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Needle Armor (0.5%)
Outer Wall (after defeating Dragon Zombie)
Skelemedal Skeleton Medalist (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Wind
HP: 250
Exp: 1,500
Atk: 100
Def: 100
Common Drop: Toy Ring (10%)
Rare Drop: Bear Ring (1%)
Sealed Room
Poisonarmor Poison Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 260/380 (*)
Exp: 822/3,600
Atk: 382/680
Def: 310/634
Common Drop: Antidote (5%)
Rare Drop: Rainbow Robe (0.5%)
Audience Room, Underground Gallery, Battle Arena(*)
Abil: Poison
Werebear Were-Bear (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 265
Exp: 227
Atk: 250
Def: 140
Common Drop: Cotton Robe (4%)
Rare Drop: Strength Ring (1%)
Eternal Corridor, Chapel Tower
Werejaguar Were-Jaguar (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 270/320 (*)
Exp: 760/1,200
Atk: 416/518
Def: 170/260
Common Drop: Gold Armor (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Ninja Garb (0.4%)
Chapel Tower, Audience Room, Battle Arena(*)
Flamedemon cotm Flame Demon (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Fire
HP: 300/680 (*)
Exp: 600/4,500
Atk: 315/650
Def: 270/600
Common Drop: Potion (4%)
Rare Drop: Chain Mail (2%)
Eternal Corridor, Battle Arena(*)
Hipogriff Hipogriff (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Wind
HP: 300/500 (*)
Exp: 740/1,900
Atk: 500/620
Def: 210/280
Common Drop: Meat (1.25%)
Rare Drop: Heart Ex (0.6%)
Chapel Tower, Underground Warehouse, Battle Arena(*)
Archdemon Arch Demon (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 320
Exp: 1,000
Atk: 505
Def: 400
Timestop: Slow, Affected (Item Crush)
Common Drop: Cursed Ring (3%)
Rare Drop: Apollo (1.4%)
Catacomb, Chapel Tower, Underground Warehouse
Windarmor Wind Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Wind
HP: 320
Exp: 1,800
Atk: 500
Def: 460
Rare Drop: Potion (2%)
Guard: Potion High (0.4%)
Outer Wall (after defeating Death), Underground Waterway, Observation Tower
Arachne Arachne (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Earth
HP: 330/430 (*)
Exp: 1,300/2,400
Atk: 420/590
Def: 288/348
Timestop: Affected/Slow, Affected (Item Crush)
Common Drop: Heart High (1.6%)
Rare Drop: Heart Mega (0.5%)
Catacomb (after defeating Death), Battle Arena(*)
Holyarmor Holy Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Light
HP: 350
Exp: 1,700
Atk: 420
Def: 450
Common Drop: Serpent (5%)
Rare Drop: Platinum Armor (0.5%)
Underground Warehouse
Icedemon Ice Demon (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Ice
HP: 350
Exp: 4,200
Atk: 492
Def: 510
Common Drop: Rainbow Robe (2.2%)
Rare Drop: Diamond Armor (1.2%)
Underground Waterway
Abil: Freeze
Fallangel Fallen Angel (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Light
HP: 370
Exp: 6,000
Atk: 770
Def: 770
Common Drop: Heart Ex (2%)
Rare Drop: Saturn (1.2%)
Chapel Tower
Forestarmor Forest Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Plants
HP: 370
Exp: 1,280
Atk: 390
Def: 390
Common Drop: Chain Mail (1.8%)
Rare Drop: Rainbow Robe (0.45%)
Underground Warehouse, Audience Room (after defeating Dragon Zombie)
Darkarmor Dark Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 400
Exp: 3,300
Atk: 680
Def: 560
Common Drop: Platinum Armor (2%)
Rare Drop: Double Grips (1%)
Observation Tower
Lilim Lilim (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 400
Exp: 8,000
Atk: 800
Def: 800
Common Drop: Mind High (2%)
Rare Drop: Dark Armor (0.5%)
Machine Tower (above the 2nd save break the wall after defeating Death)
Cotmmaneater Man Eater (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Plants
HP: 400
Exp: 700
Atk: 330
Def: 233
Common Drop: Heart (3%)
Rare Drop: Diana (1.5%)
Underground Gallery
Werehorse Were-Horse (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Earth
HP: 400
Exp: 1,970
Atk: 540
Def: 360
Common Drop: Meat (1.5%)
Rare Drop: Defense Armband (1%)
Audience Room
Winddemon Wind Demon (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Wind
HP: 400/490 (*)
Exp: 3,600/4,000
Atk: 540/600
Def: 490/540
Drop: Mind High (2%)
Common Drop: Sage Armband (1.2%)
Audience Room (after defeating Camilla), Battle Arena(*)
Cotmminotaur Minotaur (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Earth
HP: 410/580 (*)
Exp: 2,000/4,100
Atk: 520/700
Def: 640/715
Common Drop: Golem (1.5%)
Rare Drop: Spiced Meat (0.75%)
Observation Tower, Battle Arena(*)
Weapons: Minotaur Axe (ground wave)
Cotm legion Legion (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 420/540 (*)
Exp: 1,590/2,900
Atk: 610/760
Def: 375/480
Common Drop: Cure Curse (5%)
Rare Drop: Potion High (0.5%)
Chapel Tower, Observation Tower, Battle Arena(*)
Abil: Curse
Demonlord Demon Lord (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 460/590 (*)
Exp: 1,950/4,200
Atk: 660/800
Def: 500/656
Common Drop: Potion (2%)
Rare Drop: Strength Armband (1%)
Observation Tower, Battle Arena(*)
Devilarmor Devil Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 500
Exp: 6,600
Atk: 804
Def: 714
Common Drop: Potion High (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Black Dog (2.5%)
Battle Arena
Catoblepascotm Catoblepas (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Stone
HP: 550/560 (*)
Exp: 1,800/2,000
Atk: 500/510
Def: 430/435
Common Drop: Heart High (2%)
Rare Drop: Soldier Fatigues (0.5%)
Observation Tower, Battle Arena(*)
Abil: Stone
Grizzly Grizzly (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 600
Exp: 960
Atk: 380
Def: 200
Common Drop: Strength Ring (1.5%)
Rare Drop: Spiced Meat (0.5%)
Catacomb (after defeating Death), Chapel Tower, Underground Warehouse
Whitearmor White Armor (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Light
HP: 640
Exp: 7,000
Atk: 770
Def: 807
Common Drop: Potion High (2.5%)
Rare Drop: Unicorn (2.5%)
Battle Arena
Cotm golem Golem (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Stone
HP: 650
Exp: 1,400
Atk: 520
Def: 700
Timestop: Affected
Common Drop: Night Suit (1.3%)
Rare Drop: Steel Armor (1%)
Underground Warehouse
Cotm lilith Lilith (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 660
Exp: 20,000
Atk: 960
Def: 960
Common Drop: Mind Ex (1.5%)
Rare Drop: Sage Robe (0.5%)
Underground Warehouse (after defeating Camilla)
Mimic Candle - Circle of the Moon - 01 Mimic Candle (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 990
Exp: 6,600
Atk: 600
Def: 600
Common Drop: Heart (10%)
Rare Drop: Gambler Armband (2%)
Audience Room (after defeating Death)
Alraune Alraune (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Plants
HP: 774/1,003(*)
Exp: 2,500/5,000
Atk: 490/640
Def: 303/450
Timestop: Slow, Affected (Item Crush)/Unaffected, Slow (Item Crush)
Common Drop: Magic Robe (1%)
Rare Drop: Potion Ex (0.5%)
Observation Tower, Battle Arena(*)
Devil Devil (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 1,080/1,530 (*)
Exp: 10,000/30,000
Atk: 800/980
Def: 900/1,060
Common Drop: Potion High (2%)
Rare Drop: Mirror Armor (1.5%)
Observation Tower, Battle Arena (*)
Franken Franken (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Earth
HP: 1,200
Exp: 2,100
Atk: 700
Def: 350
Common Drop: Ninja Garb (1.2%)
Rare Drop: Soldier Fatigues (0.75%)
Eternal Corridor (after defeating Death)
Cerberus1 Cerberus (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Light
HP: 600
Exp: 500
Atk: 150
Def: 100
Guard: Double
Necromancer Necromancer (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 500
Exp: 2,500
Atk: 200
Def: 250
Audience Room
Necro2 Necromancer [Second Form] (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Guard: Tackle
Audience Room
Irongolem Iron Golem (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Stone
HP: 640
Exp: 8,000
Atk: 290
Def: 450
Guard: Kick Boots
Machine Tower
Adramelech Adramelech (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 1,800
Exp: 16,000
Atk: 380
Def: 360
Chapel Tower
Dragon Zombie (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Poison
HP: 1,400
Exp: 15,000
Atk: 390
Def: 440
Guard: Heavy Ring
Underground Gallery
Cotm death Death (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 880
Exp: 60,000
Atk: 600
Def: 800
Underground Warehouse
Deatha Death [Second Form] (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Guard: Cleansing
Underground Warehouse
Camilla2 Camilla (Carmilla) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
A loyal minion plotting the complete resurrection of her master, the demon lord Dracula. Strong: Darkness
HP: 1,500
Exp: 80,000
Atk: 650
Def: 700
Guard: Roc Wing
Underground Waterway
Hugh2 Hugh (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
Nathan's rival and the son of Morris, Master Vampire Hunter. He is bitter that Nathan, who he believes is the weaker of the two, was chosen as his father's successor. Strong: Light
HP: 1,400
Exp: 120,000
Atk: 570
Def: 750
Guard: Last Key
Observation Tower
Weapons: Sword (Swipe, Dash Attack, Power Geyser, Extended Attack), Axe, Holy Water, Dagger, Cross, Double Shot, Homing Blades
Draculacom Dracula (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
Sealed off from this world by Nathan's parents and Morris, he is attempting to reemerge after 10 years of confinement. Strong: Darkness
HP: 1,100
Exp: 150,000
Atk: 805
Def: 850
Ceremonial Room
Dracula [Second Form] (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 3,000
Exp: 0
Atk: 1,000
Def: 1,000
Sealed Room


Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Nathan Graves
Supporting cast
Morris BaldwinHugh Baldwin
CerberusNecromancerIron GolemAdramelechDragon ZombieDeath
Sealed RoomCatacombAbyss StairwayAudience RoomTriumph HallwayOuter WallMachine TowerEternal CorridorChapel TowerUnderground GalleryUnderground WarehouseUnderground WaterwayObservation TowerCeremonial RoomBattle Arena
AwakeProof of BloodFate to DespairCastlevania: Circle of the Moon and Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Original Soundtrack
NTT Pub Official GuideShinkigensha Official Guide
BestiaryInventoryIn-Game FormulaMagician ModeFighter ModeShooter ModeThief Mode