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A list of all items in Castlevania: Circle of the Moon.

Primary weapon[]

Item Data: Primary Weapon
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Cotm-wp-whp Hunter Whip (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Whip - Nathan
Attrib: Varies depending on DSS combination used.
Consume: Varies depending on DSS combination used.
Effect: Varies depending on DSS combination used.
Evolve: Several things temporarily depending on the combination of DSS cards used.

Normal items[]

Item Data: Normal Items (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
COTM - Small Heart Heart (Small) - Circle of the Moon
  Normal Item - Nathan
Hearts are depleted when a sub-weapon attack is used. Hearts +1
Find: Candles
COTM - Big Heart Heart (Large) - Circle of the Moon
  Normal Item - Nathan
Hearts are depleted when a sub-weapon attack is used. Hearts +5
Find: Candles


Item Data: Sub-Weapons (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Castlevania CotM weapon-dagger Knife - Circle of the Moon
  Normal Item (Sub-Weapon) - Nathan
A knife is thrown at high speeds. Consume: 1 Heart
45% STR/ 141% STR (Shooter Mode)
Find: Catacomb (5), Abyss Stairway (2), Audience Room (4), Outer Wall (1), Machine Tower (4), Eternal Corridor (1), Chapel Tower (3), Underground Gallery (5), Triumph Hallway (1), Underground Warehouse (3), Observation Tower (2), Battle Arena (1)
Effect: Knife Throw
Special: DSS Combos Pluto + Salamander = 1,000 Blades item crush (20 Hearts), Pluto + Serpent = Double Knife (spread)
Evolve: Homing Knife (Collect second Knife - Shooter Mode only, 126% STR)
Castlevania CotM weapon-axe Axe - Circle of the Moon
  Normal Item (Sub-Weapon) - Nathan
An axe draws an arch in the air when it is thrown. Consume: 2 Hearts / 1 Heart (Shooter Mode)
89% STR/ 158% STR (Shooter Mode)
Find: Catacomb (3), Abyss Stairway (2), Audience Room (3), Outer Wall (1), Machine Tower (3), Eternal Corridor (1), Chapel Tower (2), Underground Gallery (3), Underground Warehouse (3), Observation Tower (2), Battle Arena (1)
Effect: Arc Throw
Special: DSS Combos Pluto + Salamander = Spiral Axe item crush (8 Hearts), Pluto + Serpent = Double Axe
Castlevania CotM weapon-holy water Holy Water - Circle of the Moon
  Normal Item (Sub-Weapon) - Nathan
Holy water bursts into flames when it lands. Consume: 4 Hearts / 2 Hearts (Shooter Mode)
63% STR/ 100% STR (Shooter Mode)
Find: Catacomb (2), Abyss Stairway (1), Audience Room (3), Outer Wall (1), Machine Tower (2), Eternal Corridor (1), Chapel Tower (3), Underground Gallery (2), Underground Warehouse (2), Observation Tower (2), Battle Arena (1)
Special: Hydro Storm item crush with Pluto + Salamander DSS Combo (20 Hearts)
Castlevania CotM weapon-boomerang Crucifix - Circle of the Moon
  Normal Item (Sub-Weapon) - Nathan
A Crucifix, when thrown, flies like a boomerang. Consume: 6 Hearts / 3 Hearts (Shooter Mode)
110% STR/ 173% STR (Shooter Mode)
Find: Audience Room (in the room with Were-Horses), Machine Tower (in the secret room at the top of the tower), Triumph Hallway (next to the entrance of the Castle), Underground Warehouse (in the dark room with Holy Armors and Fox Hunters below the Hearts Max), Observation Tower (in the secret room with Dark Armor), Battle Arena (1)
Special: Holy Cross item crush with Pluto + Salamander DSS Combo (15 Hearts)
Castlevania CotM weapon-stopwatch Clock - Circle of the Moon
  Normal Item (Sub-Weapon) - Nathan
Enemy movements are stopped for a set period of time. Consume: 20 Hearts
Find: Audience Room (2), Machine Tower (5), Chapel Tower (2), Underground Warehouse (1), Observation Tower (1), Battle Arena (1)
Special: Item crush with Pluto + Salamander DSS Combo (40 Hearts)
No Sub-Weapon - Circle of the Moon
  Normal Item (Sub-Weapon) - Nathan
Find: (start with)
Special: Item crush with Pluto + Salamander DSS Combo (100 Hearts)

Action Cards[]

Item Data: Action Cards (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Mercury Mercury - Circle of the Moon
  Action Card - Nathan
Mercury, the messenger of the gods. Has the potential of strength. Drop: Bone Head (20%)
Effect: Alters Nathan's whip strength and element.
Venus Venus - Circle of the Moon
  Action Card - Nathan
Venus, goddess of love and beauty. Has the potential of enhancement. Drop: Slime (2.5%)
Effect: Raises Nathan's base statistics.
Jupiter Jupiter - Circle of the Moon
  Action Card - Nathan
Jupiter, god of the heavens and the leader of Olympus. Has the potential of defense. Drop: Heat Shade (2.2%)
Effect: Creates barriers of various elements.
Mars Mars - Circle of the Moon
  Action Card - Nathan
Mars, god of war. Has the potential of change. Drop: Bloody Sword (1.2%)
Effect: Alters Nathan's whip into other weapons.
Diana Diana - Circle of the Moon
  Action Card - Nathan
Diana, goddess of the moon and hunting. Has the potential of creation. Drop: Man Eater (1.5%)
Effect: Creates various projectiles thrown when Nathan swings his whip.
Apollo Apollo - Circle of the Moon
  Action Card - Nathan
Apollo, god of the sun, music, and prophecy. Has the potential to create explosives. Drop: Arch Demon (1.4%)
Effect: Gives Nathan various abilities usable with the combination [Down, Towards, Up] + B.
Neptune Neptune - Circle of the Moon
  Action Card - Nathan
Neptune, god of the seas. Has the potential of healing. Drop: Ice Armor (1.2%)
Effect: Makes Nathan take MP damage from elemental abilities, while recovering his HP
Saturn Saturn - Circle of the Moon
  Action Card - Nathan
Saturn, god of agriculture and the father of Jupiter. Has the potential of a familiar. Drop: Fallen Angel (1.2%)
Effect: Summons a familiar that follows Nathan. Most attack in tandem.
Uranus Uranus - Circle of the Moon
  Action Card - Nathan
Uranus, former god of the heavens. Has the potential of summoning. Drop: Scary Candle (0.6%)
Effect: Allows Nathan to summon the Attribute creatures with the combination [Down, Towards, Up] + B.
Pluto Pluto - Circle of the Moon
  Action Card - Nathan
Pluto, god of the underworld. Has the potential of special. Drop: Trick Candle (0.4%)
Effect: Bestows a number of strange and various effects on Nathan.

Attribute Cards[]

Item Data: Attribute Cards (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Salamander card Salamander - Circle of the Moon
  Attribute Card - Nathan
A lizard bathed in flames. Embodiment of the flame spirit, Salamander. Has the power of Fire. Attrib: Fire
Drop: Skeleton Bomber (20%), Imp (20%)
Serpent card Serpent - Circle of the Moon
  Attribute Card - Nathan
The Serpent is said to be a dragon swimming in the sea. Has the power of Ice. Attrib: Ice
Drop: Earth Demon (2.5%), Holy Armor (0.5%)
Mandragora card Mandragora - Circle of the Moon
  Attribute Card - Nathan
The Mandragora is represented as a humanoid with roots instead of feet. Has the power of Plants. Attrib: Plants
Drop: Axe Armor (1.4%), Lizard Man (1.34%)
Golem card Golem - Circle of the Moon
  Attribute Card - Nathan
The Golem is a mockery of man made from clay. Has the power of Earth. Attrib: Earth
Drop: Electric Skeleton (1%), Minotaur (1.5%)
Cockatrice card Cockatrice - Circle of the Moon
  Attribute Card - Nathan
The Cockatrice is said to have the ability to turn things to stone. Has the power of Stone. Attrib: Stone
Drop: Stone Armor (1.8%), Death Mantis (1.5%)
Manticore card Manticore - Circle of the Moon
  Attribute Card - Nathan
The Manticore is said to have the body of a lion and the venomous tail of a scorpion. Power of Poison. Attrib: Poison
Drop: Thunder Demon (3%), Succubus (1.5%)
Griffin card Griffin - Circle of the Moon
  Attribute Card - Nathan
The Griffin is said to have the head and wings of a Eagle and body of a lion. Has the power of Wind. Attrib: Wind
Drop: Skeleton Athlete (0.75%), Siren (2%)
Thunderbird card Thunderbird - Circle of the Moon
  Attribute Card - Nathan
The legendary Thunderbird is said to have been able to release lightning. Has the power of Electricity. Attrib: Electricity
Drop: Were-Panther (1.1%), Dullahan (1.4%)
Unicorn card Unicorn - Circle of the Moon
  Attribute Card - Nathan
The Unicorn is said to have been white with a single holy horn on its forehead. Has the power of Light. Attrib: Light
Drop: White Armor (2.5%)
Black Dog card Black Dog - Circle of the Moon
  Attribute Card - Nathan
The Black Dog is said to consume darkness. Has the power of Darkness. Attrib: Darkness
Drop: Devil Armor (2.5%)

Magic Items[]

Item Data: Magic Items (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Dash Boots Icon Dash Boots - Circle of the Moon
  Magic Item - Nathan
Double tap forward to perform a dash move. Find: Catacomb
Effect: Allows Nathan to sprint infinitely.
Double Icon Double - Circle of the Moon
  Magic Item - Nathan
Another jump can be performed while in mid-air. Find: Catacomb
Guard: Cerberus
Effect: Allows Nathan to perform double jumps.
Tackle Icon Tackle - Circle of the Moon
  Magic Item - Nathan
Forward + Special Move button makes the player charge. Some blocks can be destroyed with this move. Find: Audience Room
Guard: Necromancer
Effect: Allows Nathan to destroy stone blocks to access new areas.
Kick Boots Icon Kick Boots - Circle of the Moon
  Magic Item - Nathan
Jump against walls for extra height. Push forward + Special Move button to execute. Find: Machine Tower
Guard: Iron Golem
Effect: Allows Nathan to jump against walls, gaining an extra jump in the opposite direction.
Heavy Ring Icon Heavy Ring - Circle of the Moon
  Magic Item - Nathan
Certain boxes can be pushed. Find: Underground Gallery
Guard: Dragon Zombie
Effect: Grants Nathan the ability to push certain wooden boxes.
Cleansing Icon Cleansing - Circle of the Moon
  Magic Item - Nathan
Cleanse specific bodies of water, so that they are safe to traverse. Find: Underground Warehouse
Guard: Death
Effect: Cleanses all poisoned water in the Underground Waterway.
Roc Wing Icon Roc Wing - Circle of the Moon
  Magic Item - Nathan
Upward direction + Special Move button will result in a higher jump. Find: Underground Waterway
Guard: Camilla
Effect: Allows Nathan to perform high jumps continuously.
Last Key Icon Last Key - Circle of the Moon
  Magic Item - Nathan
Key to open the door to where the rite will take place. Find: Observation Tower
Guard: Hugh
Effect: Opens the door at Sealed Room.

Body equipment[]

Item Data: Body Equipment (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Leather Armor CotM Icon Leather Armor (Leather Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Armor made from leather DEF +30
Drop: Axe Armor, Skeleton, Electric Skeleton, Skeleton Spear, Skeleton Soldier, Skeleton Knight, Brain Float
Bronze Armor CotM Icon Bronze Armor (Bronze Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Armor made from bronze DEF +50
Drop: Skeleton Soldier, Skeleton Knight, Flame Armor
Gold Armor Icon Gold Armor (Gold Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Armor made of gold DEF +80
Drop: Earth Armor, Thunder Armor, Were-Jaguar
Chain Mail CotM Icon Chain Mail (Chain Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Armor made from chain DEF +100
Drop: Fish Head, Forest Armor, Flame Demon, Lizardman
Steel Armor Icon Steel Armor (Steel Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Plate armor made of interlinking metal loops DEF +120
Drop: Ice Armor, Evil Pillar, Golem, Thunder Armor
Platinum Armor Icon Platinum Armor (Platinum Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Plate armor made of platinum DEF +150
Drop: Dark Armor, Dullahan, Holy Armor
Diamond Armor Icon Diamond Armor (Diamond Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Armor made from diamonds DEF +210
Drop: Ice Demon
Mirror Armor Icon Mirror Armor (Mirror Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Armor polished to a mirror like surface DEF +300
Drop: Devil
Needle Armor Icon Needle Armor (Needle Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Plate armor covered in spikes DEF +400, STR +10
Drop: Nightmare
Dark Armor CotM Icon Dark Armor (Dark Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Cursed armor DEF +550, STR -10, INT -10, LCK -10
Drop: Lilim
Shining Armor Icon Shinning Armor[sic] (Shining Plate) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Body Armor) - Nathan
Armor that gleams with light DEF +500, STR +10, INT +10, LCK +10
Find: Battle Arena
Cotton Robe Icon Cotton Robe (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Robe) - Nathan
Robe made of cotton DEF +25, INT +100
Drop: Skeleton Spear, Fox Archer, Were-Bear
Silk Robe Icon Silk Robe (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Robe) - Nathan
Robe made of silk DEF +40, INT +140
Drop: Fox Archer, Wight
Rainbow Robe Icon Rainbow Robe (Robe of Many Colors) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Robe) - Nathan
A colorful robe DEF +140; INT +250; LCK +15
Drop: Ice Demon, Forest Armor, Poison Armor
Magic Robe Icon Magic Robe (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Robe, Magician Equipment) - Nathan
A robe that has magic within DEF +200, INT +300
Drop: Alraune, Witch
Sage Robe Icon Sage Robe (Sage's Robe) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Robe, Sage Equipment) - Nathan
A robe said to have belonged to a sage DEF +250, INT +500
Drop: Lilith
Cotton Clothes Icon Cotton Clothes (Clothes of Cloth) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Clothes) - Nathan
Clothes made of cotton DEF +20
Drop: Skeleton Athlete, Zombie, Fleaman, Hopper, Mudman, Coffin, Mummy
Prison Garb Icon Prison Garb (Clothes of Prisoners) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Clothes) - Nathan
Clothes that were worn by a prisoner DEF +20, STR +5
Drop: Evil Hand, Gargoyle, Ghoul, Clinking Man, Zombie Thief
Stylish Suit Icon Stylish Suit (Fancy Clothes) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Clothes) - Nathan
You'll be popular while wearing this DEF +40, STR +10
Drop: Skeleton Boomerang, Harpy, Heat Shade
Night Suit Icon Night Suit (Jet-Black Clothes) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Clothes) - Nathan
A dark black suit DEF +60, STR +20, INT +10
Drop: Killer Bee, Golem, Hyena
Ninja Garb Icon Ninja Garb (Ninja Costume) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Clothes) - Nathan
A black ninja suit DEF +80, STR +30
Drop: Franken, Were-Jaguar
Soldier Fatigues Icon Soldier Fatigues (Military Uniform) - Circle of the Moon
  Body (Clothes) - Nathan
Fatigues normally worn by soldiers DEF +120, STR +50, LCK +10
Drop: Catoblepas, Franken

Arm equipment[]

Item Data: Arm Equipment (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Double Grips Icon Double Grips (Double Grip) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Bracelet) - Nathan
Their power is released when both are equipped. (if 1 equipped: none) (if 2 equipped: STR +75, DEF +75, INT +75, LCK +75)
Drop: Dark Armor
Star Bracelet Icon Star Bracelet (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Bracelet) - Nathan
Its power depends on which arm it is on. (Right arm: STR +25, INT +25) (Left arm: DEF +25, LCK +25)
Drop: Harpy, Frozen Shade
Strenght Ring Icon Strength Ring (Power Ring) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Ring) - Nathan
Strength increases while equipped. STR +50, DEF -10, INT -10
Drop: Grizzly, Were-Bear
Hard Ring Icon Hard Ring (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Ring) - Nathan
Defense increases while equipped. DEF +50, STR -10, LCK -10
Drop: Stone Armor, Death Mantis, Medusa Head
Intelligence Ring Icon Intelligence Ring (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Ring) - Nathan
Intelligence increases while equipped. INT +50, STR -10, LCK -10
Drop: Evil Hand, Succubus
Luck Ring Icon Luck Ring (Lucky Ring) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Ring) - Nathan
Luck increases while equipped. LCK +50, DEF -10, INT -10
Drop: Zombie Thief
Cursed Ring Icon Cursed Ring (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Ring) - Nathan
Luck decreases greatly while equipped. STR +30, DEF +30, LCK -100
Drop: Arch Demon, Beast Demon, Poltergeist
Strenght Armband Icon Strength Armband (Bangle of Superhuman Strength) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Bracelet) - Nathan
Strength increases greatly while equipped. STR +100, DEF -25, INT -25, LCK -25
Drop: Demon Lord
Defense Armband Icon Defense Armband (Bangle of Firmness) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Bracelet) - Nathan
Defense increases greatly while equipped. DEF +100, STR -25, INT -25, LCK -25
Drop: Were-Horse
Sage Armband Icon Sage Armband (Philosopher's Bracelet) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Bracelet, Sage Equipment) - Nathan
Intelligence increases greatly while equipped. INT +100, STR -25, DEF -25, LCK -25
Drop: Wind Demon
Gambler Armband Icon Gambler Armband (Gambler's Bangle) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Bracelet) - Nathan
Luck increases greatly while equipped. LCK +100, STR -25, DEF -25, INT -25
Drop: Mimic Candle
Wrist Band Icon Wrist Band (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Bracelet) - Nathan
Cotton armband. STR +5
Drop: Will O' Wisp, Ectoplasm, Gremlin, Spirit, Devil Tower, Bat, Medusa Head, Were-Panther
Gauntlet CotM Icon Gauntlet (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm - Nathan
Increases attack power while equipped. STR +15
Drop: Earth Armor, Hopper, Merman, Werewolf
Arm Guard Icon Arm Guard (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm - Nathan
Protects the arms while equipped. DEF +10
Drop: Beast Demon, Bloody Sword, Fleaman
Magic Gauntlet Icon Magic Gauntlet (Magic Forearm) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Magician Equipment) - Nathan
Magical power lies within the gauntlet. INT +10
Drop: Earth Demon, Thunder Demon, Frozen Shade, Poison Worm
Miracle Armband Icon Miracle Armband (Miracle Wrist) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm - Nathan
Luck increases while equipped. LCK +10
Drop: Clinking Man, Skeleton Boomerang
Toy Ring Icon Toy Ring (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Ring) - Nathan
Useless ring. (none)
Drop: Evil Pillar, Skeleton Medalist
Bear Ring Icon Bear Ring (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Arm (Ring) - Nathan
Ring with the curse of the bear. STR -100, DEF -100, INT -100, LCK -100
Drop: Skeleton Medalist
Effect: Transforms Nathan into a bear with Pluto + Black Dog DSS cards

Recovery items[]

Item Data: Recovery Item (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Meat CotM Icon Meat (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Food) - Nathan
Recover 50 HP. HP +50
Drop: Gorgon, Fox Hunter, Hipogriff, Merman, Werewolf, Were-Horse
Spiced Meat Icon Spiced Meat (Tasty Meat) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Food) - Nathan
Recover 100 HP. HP +100
Drop: Abiondarg, Imp, Grizzly, Minotaur
Potion CotM Icon Potion (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Health Potion) - Nathan
Recover 20 HP. HP +20
Drop: Abiondarg, Wind Armor, Skeleton, Skeleton Bomber, Zombie, Demon Lord, Devil Tower, Hyena, Fox Hunter, Flame Demon, Myconid
Potion High Icon Potion High (Hi-Potion) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Health Potion) - Nathan
Recover 250 HP. HP +250
Drop: Wind Armor, Devil, Devil Armor, White Armor, Legion
Potion Ex Icon Potion Ex (X-Potion) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Health Potion) - Nathan
Recover all HP. HP +100%
Drop: Alraune
Mind Restore Icon Mind Restore (Mind Up) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Mind Potion) - Nathan
Recover 30% MP. MP +30%
Drop: Witch, Will O' Wisp, Ectoplasm, Gremlin, Spirit, Specter, Nightmare, Brain Float, Mudman
Mind High Icon Mind High (Mind High Up) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Mind Potion) - Nathan
Recover 50% MP. MP +50%
Drop: Wind Demon, Specter, Siren, Poltergeist, Myconid, Marionette, Lilim, Wight
Mind Ex Icon Mind Ex (Mind X Up) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Mind Potion) - Nathan
Recover all MP MP +100%
Drop: Fish Head, Lilith
Heart Icon Heart (Heart Up) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Heart Potion) - Nathan
Recover 10 Hearts. Heart +10
Drop: Gorgon, Spearfish, Bat, Bone Tower, Bone Head, Man Eater, Coffin, Mummy, Mimic Candle
Heart High Icon Heart High (Heart High Up) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Heart Potion) - Nathan
Recover 25 Hearts. Heart +25
Drop: Arachne, Gargoyle, Catoblepas, Ghoul, Dryad, Bone Tower
Heart Ex Icon Heart Ex (Heart X Up) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Heart Potion) - Nathan
Recover 50 Hearts. Heart +50
Drop: King Moth, Scary Candle, Spearfish, Hipogriff, Fallen Angel, Flame Armor
Heart Mega Icon Heart Mega (Heart Mega Up) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Heart Potion) - Nathan
Recover 100 Hearts. Heart +100
Drop: Arachne, Dryad, Trick Candle
Antidote Icon Antidote (Cure Poison) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Cure) - Nathan
Cure poison status. Drop: Killer Bee, King Moth, Slime, Poison Armor, Poison Worm
Cure Curse Icon Cure Curse (jpn) - Circle of the Moon
  Recovery Item (Cure) - Nathan
Remove curse status. Drop: Marionette, Legion


Item Data: Upgrades (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
HP Max Icon HP Max - Circle of the Moon
  Item - Nathan
Max HP +10
Find: Throughout castle (...) (all)
Effect: Fully restores HP and increases Nathan's Max HP.
MP Max Icon MP Max - Circle of the Moon
  Item - Nathan
Max MP +10
Find: Throughout castle (...) (all)
Effect: Fully restores MP and increases Nathan's Max MP
Heart Max Icon Hearts Max - Circle of the Moon
  Item - Nathan
Current/Max Hearts +6
Find: Throughout castle (...) (all)
Effect: Adds 6 to Nathan's current and maximum Heart count

External links[]

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Nathan Graves
Supporting cast
Morris BaldwinHugh Baldwin
CerberusNecromancerIron GolemAdramelechDragon ZombieDeath
Sealed RoomCatacombAbyss StairwayAudience RoomTriumph HallwayOuter WallMachine TowerEternal CorridorChapel TowerUnderground GalleryUnderground WarehouseUnderground WaterwayObservation TowerCeremonial RoomBattle Arena
AwakeProof of BloodFate to DespairCastlevania: Circle of the Moon and Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Original Soundtrack
NTT Pub Official GuideShinkigensha Official Guide
BestiaryInventoryIn-Game FormulaMagician ModeFighter ModeShooter ModeThief Mode