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Concentration is an Enchanted Soul in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, and a Main Perk Condition in Grimoire of Souls. In Dawn of Sorrow it can be obtained by gaining dominance over Stolas' soul. Much like Defender, it raises Soma's INT by 4, but lowers his STR by 2 per soul obtained, up to a STR -18 / INT +36 to his stats when 9 souls are collected. In Grimoire of Souls, it is a Main Perk Condition that is activated when MP is at 50% or more.

Item Data[]

Item Data: Concentration
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Enchanted Soul Stolas - Concentration - Dawn of Sorrow
  Enchanted Soul - Soma
Raise INT and lower STR. STR -18, INT +36 (maximum level)
Rarity: ***
Drop: Stolas
GoS Songbird Songbird - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Bird - Chicken) - Maria
Satir, the sharp-tongued songbird. Summons the rising sun when all is lost to the darkness. Attrib: Lightning, Atropos
ATK +186, Lightning +225
Rarity: ★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (4★)
Effect: Concentration: ATK Fixed Up
Special: Thunderous Symphony I
Evolve: Resistances(Lightning) I, Resistance: Shock I, Max HP I
GoS Falcis Regis Falcis Regis - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon Glyph (Sickle) - Shanoa
A despot's sickle glyph. Expresses dominance over all, slicing through any who object. Attrib: Ice, Clotho
ATK +185, Fire +225
Rarity: ★★★★
Effect: Concentration: Normal ATK Damage Fixed Up
Special: Glacial Impact I
Evolve: Weapon Skill Damage Rate Up I, Max MP I, Max MP I
Notes: Latin for "King's Sickle"
GoS Dragon's Claw Dragon's Claw - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Whip) - Simon
Made from the whiskers of an ancient dragon. Its fierce spirit dwells within the weapon. ATK +195, Ice +300
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (5★)
Effect: Concentration: DAR Rate Up
Special: Shadow Dive II
Evolve: CRIT I, CRIT I, Resistance: Curse I, Max HP I
GoS Alucard's Sword Alucard's Sword (Alucard Sword) - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Sword) - Alucard
Alucard's beloved sword that once belonged to his mother. Her prayers give it a holy strength. Attrib: Holy, Clotho
ATK +198/5495, CRIT +0/804, Holy +300/752 (Initial/Max upgrades)
Rarity: ★★★★★
Buy: 50,000 Astral Atraments
Effect: Concentration: ATK Rate Up
Special: Alucard Sword
Evolve: CRIT I, Max HP I, Attrbt.(Holy) I, ATK I