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The Dead Warrior is an enemy in the Castlevania series. They are bloodthirsty undead knights whose spirits still lust for battle and seek to fight for all eternity.

In Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, they are referred to as the horse-riding ghosts of dead samurai warriors and wield a naginata instead, which they swing around as they approach the enemy.


The Dead Warrior is an enemy based on the original designs of Dullahan. He appears as an armored zombie wielding a polearm (usually a naginata) who rides atop the front half of an undead, rotting horse. He attacks by running into the player, or by jumping if they attempt to jump over it first. Their pattern is limited to only run back and forth on a determined area, and they usually appear in areas where other enemies abound, serving them as a sort of protection.

The Nightmare is an enemy that follows a similar attack pattern but which generally appears just as a lone horse. In Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, when Soma Cruz dominates a Nightmare and uses it as a Bullet Soul, he may summon a mounted black knight which further resembles the Dead Warrior wielding a lance but with a fully intact horse, and its appearance is more spirit-like instead of being a zombie.

Enemy Data[]

Enemy Data: Dead Warrior
Image Name - Game
Statistics Items Location Notes
Valhallaknight 77. Valhalla Knight (Dead Trooper) - Symphony of the Night [ edit ]
Bloodthirsty undead knight who eternally seeks combat. Weak: Holy
Level: 19
HP: 161
Exp: 100
Drop: Estoc, Claymore
Colosseum, Olrox's Quarters, Reverse Clock Tower
Aos deadwarrior 48. Dead Warrior (Dead Trooper) - Aria of Sorrow [ edit ]
The horse-riding ghost of a dead samurai warrior. Strong: Darkness
Weak: Holy
HP: 110
MP: 100
Exp: 100
Atk: 33
Def: 30
Rare Drop: Samurai Armor
Soul: Quick Parry
Floating Garden
Deadwarrior 84. Dead Warrior (Dead Trooper) - Dawn of Sorrow [ edit ]
A dead knight that seeks to fight for all eternity. Strong: Dark
Weak: Piercing, Slashing, Fire, Holy, Curse, Stone
HP: 120
MP: 100
Exp: 188
Atk: 60
Timestop: Affected
Common Drop: Rice Ball (6%)
Rare Drop: Partizan (4%)
Soul: Quick Bullet (1.56%)
The Pinnacle
Deadwarrior 96. Dead Warrior (Dead Trooper) - Portrait of Ruin [ edit ]
A dead knight whose spirit still lusts for battle. Strong: Dark
Weak: Slash, Fire, Holy, Curse, Stone
HP: 210
Exp: 193
Skill Pt: 6
Drop: Samurai Plate
Dark Academy, 13th Street, Burnt Paradise, Nest of Evil
Deadwarrior 40. Dead Warrior (Dead Trooper) - Harmony of Despair [ edit ]
A dead knight whose spirit still lusts for battle. Strong: Strike
Weak: Slash, Pierce, Petrify, Holy, Curse, Poison
Drop: Partisan (5.30%)
Soul: Yellow (2.30%)
Chapter 5, Chapter 9
Dead Warrior  - Grimoire of Souls [ edit ]
A deceased knight who still craves battle. His quick charges poses a threat, but his half-bodied warhorse is rather unsteady.

Item Data[]

Item Data: Dead Warrior
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Claymore Icon Claymore (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  2 Handed Weapon (Great Sword) - Alucard
Scotch two-handed sword Attrib: Cut
ATT +26
Find: Underground Caverns
Drop: Valhalla Knight
Effect: Slow swing
Special: ←→ + [Attack] for Step Attack (ATT +44 for 5 MP) (can be used in midair)
Estoc Icon Estoc (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  2 Handed Weapon (Great Sword) - Alucard
German thrust sword [2 hand] Attrib: Cut
ATT +39
Find: Olrox's Quarters
Drop: Valhalla Knight
Effect: Always Step Attacks
Samurai Armor AoS Icon Samurai Armor (Akadou) - Aria of Sorrow
  Armor - Soma
Red body armor used by samurai warriors. DEF +20, STR +3 (...)
Sell: $1,500
Find: Dance Hall (hidden)
Drop: Dead Warrior
Yellow Soul Dead Warrior - Quick Parry (jpn) - Aria of Sorrow
  Enchanted Soul - Soma
Deflect normal attacks by pressing UP + B. Drop: Dead Warrior
Effect: Allows interruption of normal attack with a bullet soul. (Is able to cancel normal attacks by using a bullet type.)
Partisan Icon Partizan (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A long pole tipped with a broad blade Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 60 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +32
Sell: $3,200
Buy: $6,400
Find: Yoko's shop, Hammer's shop
Drop: Dead Warrior
Create: Spear + Armor Knight Soul
Effect: Pierce
Special: Triple Pierce
Evolve: + Axe Armor Soul >> Halberd
Rice Ball Icon Rice Ball (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Food - Soma
Simple, but tasty. HP +290
Sell: $50
Common Drop: Dead Warrior
Enchanted Soul Dead Warrior - Quick Bullet - Dawn of Sorrow
  Enchanted Soul - Soma
Use Bullet typed souls while executing standard attacks. Rarity: ***
Drop: Dead Warrior
Samurai Plate Icon Samurai Plate (Katchū) - Portrait of Ruin
  Body Gear (Armor) - Jonathan
Traditional body armor worn by samurai warriors. DEF +35, CON +10, MND +10
Sell: $7,000
Drop: Dead Warrior
Partisan Icon Partisan (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
A polearm fitted with a broad blade. Attrib: Pierce
#hands: 2
ATK +12
Sell: $1,000
Rarity: **
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)
Enchanted Soul HD Icon Dead Warrior - Harmony of Despair
  Enchanted Soul - Soma
Raise LCK LCK +1
Rarity: ***
Steal: Dead Warrior (2.3%)
Effect: LCK Boost



  • The Dullahan enemy from Castlevania: Circle of the Moon shares an almost identical design and fighting pattern as the Dead Warrior, being a knight riding on the front half of a horse, rather than the headless knights appearing in other games. His physical appearance, however, has more in common with that of the original Headless Horseman novel character, not having a head, wielding a sword and wearing a black cape.

See also[]
