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The Disc Armor is an enemy in the Castlevania series. He is an armored knight that is an expert at throwing giant, spinning, razor-sharp discs.


Disc Armors are not very common enemies and are usually found far and between. They are generally encountered stationary at the center of the rooms they appear in, and in many occasions near of staircases, where the inclined layout allows for their attacks to be maximized.

They wield a giant, spinning, razor-sharp blade which they hurl forward when approached. The disc is fastened to a metal string or chain which the knight uses to pull the blade back for further attacks, but the knight can also let the disc go if they find advantage of doing so, and they'll simply bring out another disc afterward. When defeated, the disc sometimes remains in place for a short period of time, keeping the momentum it had at the moment the knight died, thus still posing a threat.

Certain variants, when defeated, will open their armor's breastplate and let out a plethora of discs bouncing as they die. These are harmless, however, and are only added for aesthetic reasons. On the other hand, the variants in Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance can also open their breastplate and shoot a disc like a cannon ball, which can deal actual damage.

Enemy Data[]

Enemy Data: Disc Armor
Image Name - Game
Statistics Items Location Notes
Discusslord-1- 86. Discus Lord (Disc Armor) - Symphony of the Night [ edit ]
Discus-wielding armored knight. Level: 22
HP: 450
Exp: 140
Drop: Chakram, Jewel Sword
Hod discarmor 46. Disc Armor (jpn) - Harmony of Dissonance [ edit ]
' Weak: Thunder
Level: 19
HP: 156
Exp: 102
Common Drop: $100
Rare Drop: Cloth Helmet
Castle A: Clock Tower, Castle Treasury, Luminous Cavern
Castle B: Castle Top Floor, Clock Tower
Discarmorlv2 83. Disc Armor Lv2 (Disc Armor II) - Harmony of Dissonance [ edit ]
' Weak: Thunder
Level: 33
HP: 280
Exp: 143
Common Drop: $250
Rare Drop: High Potion
Castle B: Clock Tower
Disc Armor 53. Disc Armor (jpn) - Aria of Sorrow [ edit ]
An armored soldier possessing spinning razor-sharp discs. Weak: Thunder, Stone
HP: 240
MP: 120
Exp: 150
Atk: 35
Def: 25
Common Drop: Iron Plate
Soul: Death Saucer
Inner Quarters, Floating Garden, Clock Tower, Underground Reservoir
DOS-Discarmor 72. Disc Armor (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow [ edit ]
An armor-clad soldier that is an expert at throwing giant circular blades. Strong: Fire, Water
Weak: Bashing, Electric
HP: 100
MP: 1
Exp: 160
Atk: 43
Timestop: Affected
Common Drop: Scale Mail (8%)
Soul: Death Saucer (4.69%)
Condemned Tower
DOS-Discarmor 37. Disc Armor (jpn) - Harmony of Despair [ edit ]
An armor-clad soldier that is an expert in throwing giant circular blades. Strong: Ice
Weak: Strike, Lightning, Petrify, Curse, Poison
Drop: Steel Plate (5.30%)
Soul: Red (2.80%)
Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Disc Armor  - Grimoire of Souls [ edit ]
A merciless knight in possession of a circular saw, which he throws at victims. Even if they dodge, most get caught by the saw on its return.

Item Data[]

Item Data: Disc Armor
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Chakram Icon Chakram (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Throwing Sword - Alucard
Sikh steel throwing ring Attrib: Cut
ATT +15
Drop: Discus Lord
Effect: Up to two can be thrown at a time
Special: ←→ + [Attack + Shield Buttons]: Extended Throw
Jewel Sword Icon Jewel Sword (jpn) - Symphony of the Night
  Short Sword - Alucard
Transforms enemies into jewels
Japan Turn enemies into jewels
Attrib: Cut
ATT +15
Find: Entrance
Drop: Discus Lord
Effect: Horizontal Slash; sometimes changes killed enemies to jewels; in Saturn version, stats increase when jewels are equipped
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack]: Coin Throw – swing creates a random number of $1 coins (1-8)
Money Bag 3 HoD Icon $100 - Harmony of Dissonance
  Pick-Up (Money) - Juste Belmont
Gold + 100
Common Drop: Disc Armor, Skeleton Mirror, Spriggan
Rare Drop: White Dragon Lv2, Gold Medusa (doublepack)
Cloth Helmet Icon Cloth Helmet - Harmony of Dissonance
  Head - Juste Belmont
A helmet made from extremely hardened cloth. DEF +5
Rare Drop: Disc Armor, Skeleton Flail
Money Bag 4 HoD Icon $250 - Harmony of Dissonance
  Pick-Up (Money) - Juste Belmont
Gold + 250
Common Drop: Ruler Sword Lv3, Skeleton Glass, Disc Armor Lv2, Owl, Jp Bonepillar
High Potion HoD Icon High Potion - Harmony of Dissonance
  Medicine - Juste Belmont
Restores a large amount of HP. HP +150
Buy: 200G
Find: Throughout castle (all)
Common Drop: Hammer-Hammer, Harpy, White Dragon Lv3, Arthro Skeleton, Simon Wraith
Rare Drop: Disc Armor lv2
Iron Plate AoS Icon Iron Plate (Iron Breastplate) - Aria of Sorrow
  Armor - Soma
Breastplate of iron. DEF +25
Sell: $1,400
Buy: $2,800
Find: Hammer's shop
Common Drop: Great Armor
Rare Drop: Valkyrie
Red Soul Disc Armor - Death Saucer - Aria of Sorrow
  Bullet Soul - Soma
Shreds enemies to bits with a spinning disc. Attrib: Sword
Consume: 34 MP
150 ATK
Rarity: 25
Drop: Disc Armor
Scale Mail Icon Scale Mail (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Armor - Soma
A mail suit with scale-like plates sewn on. DEF +20
Sell: $2,100
Buy: $4,200
Find: Hammer's shop, Cursed Clock Tower
Common Drop: Disc Armor
Bullet Soul Disc Armor - Death Saucer - Dawn of Sorrow
  Bullet Soul - Soma
Hurl a sharp-edged circular blade. Attrib: Slashing
Consume: 35 MP
Rarity: **
Drop: Disc Armor
Steel Plate HD Icon Steel Plate (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Chest (Body Armor) - Soma, Alucard, Jonathan, Julius, Richter
Breastplate made of quality steel. Attrib: Strike +5, Lightning -20
DEF +12
Sell: $1,700
Rarity: **
Drop: Disc Armor (5.3%)
Bullet Soul HD Icon Disc Armor - Harmony of Despair
  Bullet Soul - Soma
Hurl a sharp-edged circular blade. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 15 MP
ATK +7
Rarity: ***
Steal: Disc Armor (2.8%)
Effect: Discus



  • The enemy is probably inspired by the film Octopussy, where a thug uses a yo-yo saw to kill his victims.
    • It could also be inspired by the NES game Rygar, where the player uses a weapon called Diskarmor which works like the Discus.