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Castlevania Wiki
Castlevania Wiki
See also: Dracula/Forms
For enemies resembling Dracula, see Dracula-like enemies.
Enemy Data: Dracula
Image Name - Game
Statistics Items Location Notes
21. Dracula (Dracula [Boss]) - Castlevania [ edit ]
The last and biggest boss. He's in the high place of the last stage. He's an extremely dangerous enemy who breathes fire as he "warps" around the room.(*) 6. Clock Tower
Abil: Hellfire (each Fire Ball 100 points)
22. Spirit of Dracula (Dracula [Second Form]) - Castlevania [ edit ]
The second form of The Count.(*) Exp: 50,000
6. Clock Tower
Abil: Triple Fire Ball (100 points)
Dracvk 23. Count Dracula (Demon King Dracula) - Vampire Killer [ edit ]
Japanese Description: (*)
He resides at the top floor of the Demon Castle's tower and has risen from a 100-year slumber as the ruler of evil. He commands the evil minions in the monster's rooms.
6. Castle Keep
Abil: Hellfire
Dracvk2 24. Count Dracula [True Form]  (Demon King Dracula [True Form]) - Vampire Killer [ edit ]
Japanese Description: (*)
Defeat Dracula at the top of stage 18 to reveal his true form.
Exp: 30,000
6. Castle Keep
Draccv2 33. Dracula  - Simon's Quest [ edit ]
' HP: 256
Dracula's Castle
Weapons: Tooth of Vlad
Draculaww 13. Dracula  - Konami Wai Wai World [ edit ]
' HP: 15
Atk: 2
Castle stage
Drachc Dracula  - Haunted Castle [ edit ]
' 6. Vampire's Room
Drachc2 Dracula [Second Form]  - Haunted Castle [ edit ]
' 6. Vampire's Room
SQ Watch Dracula Character 8. Dracula  - Simon's Quest (LCD watch) [ edit ]
' HP: 10
Exp: 50
Stage 4
LCD SQ Dracula 9. Great Dracula's Curse  - Simon's Quest (handheld) [ edit ]
' HP: 10 + Silver Knife
Exp: 50
4. The Castlevania
Dracgbcv1 13. Dracula  - The Adventure [ edit ]
Finally you have reached the Prince of Darkness.(*) 4. Castle
Abil: Dark Fireballs
Dracgbcv12 14. Dracula [ Bat Form ]  - The Adventure [ edit ]
Your moment of attack is when he is in the form of a bat. From the middle lower platform, wait until the bat moves to the left, then attack.(*) 4. Castle
Draccv3 49. Dracula (jpn) - Dracula's Curse [ edit ]
' A. Final Clock Tower
Abil: Flame Pillar
Draccv32 50. Dracula [2nd Form] (jpn) - Dracula's Curse [ edit ]
' A. Final Clock Tower
Draccv33 51. Dracula [3rd Form] (jpn) - Dracula's Curse [ edit ]
' A. Final Clock Tower
Dracgb2 22. Dracula (Count Dracula) - Belmont's Revenge [ edit ]
Japanese Description: (*)
Knowing Christopher's interference, the resurrected but incomplete Count absorbs the power of the bosses from the four castles built by Soleiyu, relying on the Little Phantoms for the final battle.
Abil: Lightning Balls
Cv4-draculabDraccv42 65. Dracula  - Super Castlevania IV [ edit ]
' B. Dracula's Tower
Abil: Hellfire
Dracula  - Chronicles [ edit ]
' HP: 63
Exp: 0
8. Dracula's Tower
Abil: Hellfire, Bat Cloud
Drac-form2 Dracula [Second Form]  - Chronicles [ edit ]
' HP: 126
Exp: 50,005
8. Dracula's Tower
Abil: Fireballs, Fatal Ray
DracrobDracula DXC
Dracula  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 0
8. Count Dracula
Dracrob2Dracula 2 DXC
Dracula [2nd Form]  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 5000
8. Count Dracula
Dracbl1 Dracula  - Bloodlines [ edit ]
' 6. The Castle Proserpina
Dracbl2 Dracula [2nd Form]  - Bloodlines [ edit ]
' 6. The Castle Proserpina
Bl-drac1 Dracula [3rd Form]  - Bloodlines [ edit ]
' 6. The Castle Proserpina
Draculadx Dracula  - Dracula X [ edit ]
' 7. Dracula
Draccvx2 Dracula [Second Form]  - Dracula X [ edit ]
' 7. Dracula
1. Dracula (jpn) - Symphony of the Night [ edit ]
Lord of the Demon Castle, defeated in 1792 (5 years ago) by Richter Belmont. (...) HP: 600/1,200 (true form)
Final Stage: Bloodlines (Richter only)
Abil: Hellfire, Dark Inferno, Fatal Ray
Drac-sotn 147. Dracula [Lv. 98] (jpn[alt] - Symphony of the Night [ edit ]
Lord of Wallachia. Father of Alucard. Strong: Fire, Thunder (both resist), Poison (immune), Dark (absorb)
Level: 98
HP: 9,999
Exp: n/a
Reverse Castle Center (Alucard only)
SLCD Dracula Dracula  - Symphony of the Night LCD [ edit ]
' 4. Castle Keep
Dracgb31 Dracula  - Legends [ edit ]
Master of the evil castle, this legendary Prince of Darkness undertook a transmigration from his human body and, in doing so, came into a magic ability beyond imagination. 5. Cathedral
Dracgb32 Prince of Darkness Dracula (jpn) - Legends [ edit ]
' 5. Cathedral
64-TDR Dracula  (True Dracula) - Castlevania 64 [ edit ]
' HP: 160
Castle Keep (if game time < 16 days)
64-DFN Demon Dracula  (Dracula Final) - Castlevania 64 [ edit ]
' HP: 200
Castle Keep (if game time < 16 days)
LOD-DRC Dracula  - Legacy of Darkness [ edit ]
' HP: 160
Castle Keep (Cornell-only)
64-VPG Dracula [Imposter]  (Gilles de Rais) - Legacy of Darkness [ edit ]
' HP: 160
Castle Keep (Reinhardt and Carrie-only)
LOD-DCU Dracula Ultimate  [alt] - Legacy of Darkness [ edit ]
' HP: 200
Castle Keep (Cornell-only)
64-TDR Dracula Reborn  (True Dracula) - Legacy of Darkness [ edit ]
' HP: 160
Castle Keep (Reinhardt and Carrie-only, if game time < 16 days)
64-DFN Dracula [Final]  (Dracula Final) - Legacy of Darkness [ edit ]
' HP: 200
Castle Keep (Reinhardt and Carrie-only, if game time < 16 days)
Draculacom Dracula (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
Sealed off from this world by Nathan's parents and Morris, he is attempting to reemerge after 10 years of confinement. Strong: Darkness
HP: 1,100
Exp: 150,000
Atk: 805
Def: 850
Ceremonial Room
Dracula [Second Form] (jpn) - Circle of the Moon [ edit ]
' Strong: Darkness
HP: 3,000
Exp: 0
Atk: 1,000
Def: 1,000
Sealed Room
Soma1 117. Soma (Demon King Soma) - Dawn of Sorrow [ edit ]
Soma, who fell to the Demon King HP: 1,100
Exp: 0
Atk: 100
The Abyss (Julius Mode only)
Abil: Giga Twister
Allies: Gaibon Familiar
Soma2b 118. Dracula (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow [ edit ]
What was once Soma HP: 5,000
Exp: 0
Atk: 125
The Abyss (Julius Mode only)
Abil: Aguni Fire
Allies: Harpy Familiar, Larva, Locusts
COD-159 159. Dracula  - Curse of Darkness [ edit ]
Master of Castlevania, he plunged the world into darkness and reigns at the head of an age of terror. Strong: Dark
Weak: Light
HP: 2920
Exp: 5580
Steal: Tomato Juice
Dracula's Castle
COD-160 160. Dracula (True Dracula) - Curse of Darkness [ edit ]
Master of Castlevania, he plunged the world into darkness and reigns at the head of an age of terror. Strong: Dark
HP: 7500
Exp: 5790
Steal: Vampire Blood
Dracula's Castle
PoR - Dracula 154. Dracula (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin [ edit ]
The true master of the castle. Strong: Dark
Weak: Holy
HP: 6,666
Exp: 0
Skill Pt: 0
The Throne Room
Dracula3por 155. True Dracula (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin [ edit ]
The true master of the castle. Strong: Dark
Weak: Holy
HP: 6,666
Exp: 0
Skill Pt: 0
The Throne Room
Dracula2oos Dracula  - Order of Shadows [ edit ]
' 5. Castle Keep
Dracula 3 DXC True Dracula  - The Dracula X Chronicles [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 10,000
8. Keep (if Annette rescued)
121. Dracula (jpn) - Order of Ecclesia [ edit ]
The true master of the castle, and the prince of evil. Strong: Darkness
Weak: Light
HP: 9,999
Exp: 0
Skill Pt: 0
Atk: 160
Final Approach
Arcade Credits Dracula Dracula  - The Arcade [ edit ]
The vampire of the dark night lives eternally with his many dark followers. He is the king, absolute evil and the most terrifying creature in existence. 5. Royal Throne Room
CVR-Dracula 1 Dracula  - The Adventure ReBirth [ edit ]
The Dark Lord and ruler of the castle.(*) 6. Castle Keep
Adventuure Rebirth Dracula 2 Dracula [Second Form]  - The Adventure ReBirth [ edit ]
A bat-like demon.(*) 6. Castle Keep
CVR-Dracula 3-1
CVR-Dracula 3-2
Dracula [Third Form]  - The Adventure ReBirth [ edit ]
A powerful demon head and the true form of the Dark Lord.(*) 6. Castle Keep (Normal difficulty or higher)
Dracula  - Encore of the Night [ edit ]
' HP: 3800
Demon Corridor
Abil: Dark Presence - For the next 20 seconds, a random block on the player's board is destroyed every 5 seconds. The player takes 50 damage per block destroyed.
51. Dracula (jpn) - Harmony of Despair [ edit ]
The true master of the castle. Strong: Darkness
Weak: Holy
Drop: Satan's Ring (Normal), Vorpal Blade (Normal - Alucard only), Mercury Boots (Normal) Valmanway (Hard - Alucard and Soma only), Claimh Solais (Hard - Soma only] Winged Boots (Hard), Impervious Mail (Hard), Ancient Armor (Hard), Minerva Mail (Hard - Shanoa only), Dracula's Tunic (Hard - Alucard and Soma only), Simon's Plate (Hard - Jonathan, Julius, Richter and Simon only)
Bind: Ghost Chaser, Hellfire, Dark Inferno
Soul: Red (0.30%)
Chapter 6
Draccv1Dracsghost 82. R. The Count (L. Dracula[alt] - Harmony of Despair [ edit ]
The most legendary of all vampires. Strong: Darkness
Weak: Holy
Exp: 3,000
Soul: Red
Chapter 10
MoFDraculaBestiary Dracula  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
A former knight chosen by the Brotherhood to defeat the Lords of Shadow and restore light to the world, Gabriel fulfilled his mission but at a heavy price. Tormented by the death of his wife, betrayed by his faith and led down a path to eternal darkness, he returns from oblivion to the highest tower of the castle, in search of revenge on those who wronged him. Strong: Bat Projectile, Stopwatch, Boomerang, Electric Bomb
Difficulty: 5/5
HP: 1200 (Act II), 1500 (Act III)
Exp: 2500 (Act II), 3000 (Act III)
Throne Room, Mirror of Fate
Weapons: Shadow Whip (Act II), Void Sword, Chaos Claws (Act III)
Allies: Simon (mind controlled, Act III, Combat Cross, Throwing Axe (Arc Throw))
Dracula Book of Dracul Dracula  - see also Dracula - Lords of Shadow 2 [ edit ]
Not even his descendants, the Belmonts, nor the innumerable army of the Brotherhood of Light have even come close to annihilating him. (...)
GoS Dark King Soma Dark King Soma  - Grimoire of Souls [ edit ]
' That Which Writhes: 4-1

Accursed Cranium: 4-1
A Vessel for the Lord: 4-1

Abil: Burn, Poison; Giga Twister, Hellfire, Summon Larva
Dracula  - Grimoire of Souls [ edit ]
Alucard's father and legendary castle lord said to resurrect once every hundred years. He was sealed away in the 1999 solar eclipse and destroyed once and for all. Dracula's Curse: 4-1
True Dracula  - Grimoire of Souls [ edit ]
Dracula's true form possessed by Death's soul. Dracula's Curse: 4-1
Dracula  - Dead Cells (Return to Castlevania DLC) [ edit ]
' Drop: Vampire Killer, Dracula Outfit, Mathias Cronqvist Outfit, Doctor Dracula Outfit, Pompous Death Outfit, Vigilante Death Outfit, Flawless Death Outfit
Dracula's Castle (Off-screen in True Castle), Master's Keep (True Castle only)