Castlevania Wiki
Castlevania Wiki

The Lance is a spear used by knights. They are also a class of weapons, sometimes referred to as Polearms or Spears.

Game specific information[]

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (class)[]

Lances are referred to as "Polearms" in Dawn of Sorrow.

Item Data: Polearms
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Spear DoS Icon Spear (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A standard spear Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 60 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +24
Sell: $500
Buy: $1,000
Find: The Lost Village, Hammer's shop
Drop: Armor Knight
Effect: Pierce
Special: Triple Pierce
Partizan DoS Icon Partizan (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A long pole tipped with a broad blade Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 60 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +32
Sell: $3,200
Buy: $6,400
Find: Yoko's shop, Hammer's shop
Drop: Dead Warrior
Create: Spear + Armor Knight Soul
Effect: Pierce
Special: Triple Pierce
Evolve: + Axe Armor Soul >> Halberd
Halberd DoS Icon Halberd (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A long pole fitted with a wide blade Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +40
Sell: $5,000
Buy: $10,000
Find: The Dark Chapel, Yoko's shop, Hammer's shop
Create: Partizan + Axe Armor Soul
Effect: Axe Thrust
Special: Lunge
Evolve: + Valkyrie Soul >> Lance
Lance DoS Icon Lance (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A spear used by knights Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 60 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +49
Sell: $8,000
Find: The Pinnacle, Yoko's shop
Create: Halberd + Valkyrie Soul
Effect: Pierce
Special: Triple Pierce
Evolve: + Mini Devil Soul >> Trident
Trident DoS Icon Trident (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A three-pronged spear Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +58
Sell: $10,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Lance + Mini Devil Soul
Effect: Pierce
Special: Lunge
Evolve: + Decarabia Soul >> Brionac
Brionac DoS Icon Brionac (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A demonic five-pronged spear Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +68
Sell: $16,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Trident + Decarabia Soul
Effect: Pierce
Special: Lunge
Evolve: + Slogra Soul >> Geiborg
Geiborg DoS Icon Geiborg (Gae Bulg) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A spear tempered by witches Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +80
Sell: $24,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Brionac + Slogra Soul
Effect: Pierce
Special: Lunge
Evolve: + Erinys Soul >> Longinus
Longinus DoS Icon Longinus (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A spear of divinity Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 60 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +92
Sell: $34,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Geiborg + Erinys Soul
Effect: Pierce
Special: Triple Pierce
Evolve: + Bugbear Soul >> Gungner
Gungner DoS Icon Gungner (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A divine thunderbolt that pierces everything it touches Attrib: Piercing, Electric
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +56
Sell: $50,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Longinus + Bugbear Soul
Effect: Pierce
Special: Thunderbolt

Castlevania: Harmony of Despair (class)[]

Item Data: Lances in Harmony of Despair
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Spear PoR Icon Spear (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
A standard spear. Attrib: Pierce
#hands: 1
ATK +8
Sell: $500
Rarity: *
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)
Partisan PoR Icon Partisan (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
A polearm fitted with a broad blade. Attrib: Pierce
#hands: 2
ATK +12
Sell: $1,000
Rarity: **
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)
Halberd PoR Icon Halberd (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
Polearm ending in a wide axe blade. Attrib: Pierce
#hands: 2
ATK +18
Sell: $1,500
Rarity: **
Effect: Axe Thrust
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)
Lance PoR Icon Lance (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
Spear used by cavalry knights. Attrib: Pierce
#hands: 2
ATK +24
Sell: $200
Rarity: **
Buy: $8,000
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)
Trident PoR Icon Trident (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
Three-pronged spear. Attrib: Pierce
#hands: 2
ATK +30, MP +3
Sell: $2,500
Rarity: ***
Buy: $10,000
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)
Brionac DoS Icon Brionac (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
Demonic five-pronged spear. Attrib: Pierce
#hands: 2
ATK +35, HP +5
Sell: $3,750
Rarity: ***
Drop: Slogra
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)
Geiborg DoS Icon Geiborg (Gae Bulg) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
Spear tempered by witches. Attrib: Pierce, Darkness
#hands: 1
ATK +42, MP +10
Sell: $6,250
Rarity: ***
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)
Longinus DoS Icon Longinus (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
Spear of divinity. Attrib: Pierce, Holy
#hands: 1
ATK +52, HP +7, MP +7
Sell: $8,750
Rarity: ****
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)
Gungner DoS Icon Gungner (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
Divine thunderbolt that pierces everything it touches. Attrib: Pierce, Lightning
#hands: 1
ATK +25
Sell: (cannot be sold)
Rarity: *****
Drop: Brauner (Hard)
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] to shoot a beam of lightning (25 MP)

Item Data[]

Item Data: Lance
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Lance AoS Icon Lance (jpn) - Aria of Sorrow
  Weapon - Soma
Long spear used by cavalry soldiers. Attrib: Sword
ATK +32
Sell: $1,500
Buy: $3,000
Find: Hammer's shop
Common Drop: Nightmare
Lance DoS Icon Lance (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A spear used by knights Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 60 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +49
Sell: $8,000
Find: The Pinnacle, Yoko's shop
Create: Halberd + Valkyrie Soul
Effect: Pierce
Special: Triple Pierce
Evolve: + Mini Devil Soul >> Trident
Lance Lance (jpn) - Curse of Darkness
  Spear - Hector
The weapon of mounted knights, with a bulb tip. Many refineries have made it easy to use. ATK +23
Sell: $150
Create: Dung + Holy Man's Vein + Knight's Vein
Special: Overhead tornado spin (final attack after three chained attacks) (Attrib: Wind)
Lance PoR Icon Lance (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Spear) - Jonathan
A spear used by cavalry knights. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 60 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +60
Sell: $1,500
Buy: $6,000
Find: Entrance (Vincent's shop)
Conditions: Defeat Stella in the Tower of Death.
Special: Triple thrust
Lance PoR Icon Lance (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
Spear used by cavalry knights. Attrib: Pierce
#hands: 2
ATK +24
Sell: $200
Rarity: **
Buy: $8,000
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)


