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분류 목 Gym Clothes (also called Karate Gi) are an athletic or martial arts training suit.

In Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls, it can raise Max HP by 5%.

Item Data[]

Item Data: Gym Clothes
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Gym Clothes AoS Icon Gym Clothes (Practice Wear) - Aria of Sorrow
  Armor - Soma
Clothing worn when practicing a sport or martial arts. DEF +11, CON +2 (...)
Sell: $300
Common Drop: Durga
Gym Clothes DoS Icon Gym Clothes (Practice Wear) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Armor - Soma
An athletic training suit. DEF +8, CON +2
Sell: $500
Buy: $1,000
Find: Hammer's shop
Rare Drop: Slaughterer
Gym Clothes DoS Icon Gym Clothes (Practice Wear) - Harmony of Despair
  Chest (Clothes) - any
Athletic training suit. HP +1, DEF +3, STR +1
Sell: $600
Rarity: *
Find: Chapter 1, 3, 4
GoS Karate Gi Karate Gi (jpn) - Grimoire of Souls
  Armor (Chest Gear) - Any
Used by the discerning martial artist. Very easy to move in.
Japan Clothes to wear during practice. Very mobile.
Attrib: Lachesis
DEF +166/1588, HP +0/2400 (Initial/Max upgrades)
Rarity: ★★
Summon: 300 Gems (any book)
Evolve: Max HP I
Notes: Unreleased in original game.