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Castlevania Wiki

Holy Favor is a condition that can be placed on some Main Perks in addition to needing to be equipped in a Main equipment slot in order for that perk to take effect. In order for perks with this condition to take effect, the attribute of the Sub-Weapon must be Holy.

Item Data: Equipment with Holy Favor
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Doom Breaker - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Sword) - Alucard
Defies the chains of fate. The final hope when all seems lost. Attrib: Holy, Atropos
ATK +195/5412, CRIT +0/677, Holy +300/653 (Initial/Max upgrades)
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (3★/4★/5★), 300 Gems (Ash Banquet)
Effect: Holy Favor: Cooldown Time Rate Down
Special: Holy Rising II
Evolve: Attrbt.(Holy) I, CRIT I, ATK I, CRIT I