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The following is a tabulation of all of the abilities of Innocent Devil abilities in Castlevania: Curse of Darkness.

Item Data[]

Item Data: Innocent Devil Abilities (edit)
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Heal Lv1 CoD Icon Heal Lv. 1 - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Infant Fairy
Heals Hector slightly. Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Innate ability
Effect: HP +20
Unlock - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Infant Fairy
Opens a locked chest. Chests sealed by magic can only be opened by a fairy in this way. Consume: 0 Hearts
First Obtained: Innate ability
Effect: Opens red chests.
Time Heal CoD Icon Time Heal - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Leaffle
Continuous healing magic. Hector's HP will increase gradually for a brief period. Consume: 6 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: HP regeneration in 10 seconds
Poison Powder - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Leaffle
Magic that poisons an enemy. Attrib: Poison
Consume: 0 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Inflicts ticking Poison damage on the nearest enemy.
Antidote - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Herbest
Heals Hector when he is poisoned. Consume: 5 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Cures Poison.
Heal Lv2 CoD Icon Heal Lv. 2 - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Herbest
Heals Hector moderately. Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: HP +50
Healing Field CoD Icon Healing Field - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Honey Bee
Creates a field that heals HP for a brief time. HP is recovered while inside the field. Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Heal Lv3 CoD Icon Heal Lv. 3 - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Killer Bee
Heals Hector greatly. Consume: 30 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: HP +100
Curse Breaker - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Killer Bee
Heals Hector when he is cursed. Consume: 5 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Cures Curse.
Lucky Slot CoD Icon Lucky Slot - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Hornet
Press the attack button to stop the spinning reels. The combination of pictures alters the HP healed. Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Stone Breaker - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Hornet
Heals Hector when he is turned to stone. Consume: 5 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Cures Stone.
Just a Little CoD Icon Just A Little - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Proboscis Fairy
Just a little, yeah? Heals HP a small amount. Consume: 5 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: HP +1.
Special: Chance to heal for 573 HP.
Notes: Will disappear from the Command Menu for the next 5 minutes.
Press It & See - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Proboscis Fairy
??? Consume: 0 Hearts
First Obtained: Innate ability
Effect: Reveals a secret area in the Aiolon Ruins.
Notes: The Proboscis Fairy will be rendered unconscious for a short while after usage.
Refresh - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Proboscis Fairy
Heals Hector of any kind of ailment. Consume: 5 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Skull Bomb CoD Icon Skull Bomb - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Proboscis Fairy
An explosion that damages anything in the vicinity. Be on guard, or this will hurt! Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Notes: Can also damage Hector if he is close enough and does not block.
Gold Heal Icon Gold Heal - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Tiramisu
Pay the fairy the amount it desires & you will be fully healed. The poor need not bother to ask. Consume: 6 Hearts, 5,000 Gold
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: HP 100%.
Tiramisu decipher Decipher - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Tiramisu
The ability to read old script. Surely this will come in handy somewhere...? Consume: 0 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Allows the player to read various inscribed messages on some parts of a dungeon.
Invincible Vase Icon Invincible Vase - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Tiramisu
Makes Hector invincible for a brief period. Consume: 30 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Invincibility for 10 seconds.
Healing Drop CoD Icon Healing Drop - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Tiara
Causes enemies to drop healing spheres for a brief period. Collect spheres to recover HP. Consume: 6 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Healing spheres recover 2 HP each.
Crystal Skull CoD Icon Crystal Skull - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Tiara
Makes Hector invisible for a brief period, thus allowing him to escape from enemies with ease. Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Invisibility.
Twinkle Shot CoD Icon Twinkle Shot - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Comet Star
Draws stars in the air then smacks them into foes. Consume: 0 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Lullaby - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Comet Star
Sends surrounding enemies to sleep with a mysterious song. Consume: 0 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Heal Lv4 CoD Icon Heal Lv. 4 - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Comet Star
Heals Hector significantly. Consume: 50 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: HP + 200
Aura Blast CoD Icon Aura Blast - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Magmard
Damages surrounding enemies with an aura attack. Consume: 15 Hearts
First Obtained: Innate ability
Brute Force CoD Icon Brute Force - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Magmard
Lifts up the ground by sheer brute force. Can also be used to lift heavy objects. Consume: 4 Hearts
First Obtained: Learned at Garibaldi Temple.
Special: Can open previously inaccessible large doors.
Heavenly Sword CoD Icon Heavenly Sword - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Speed Mail
Rains countless swords upon foes from a clear sky. Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Hip Press CoD Icon Hip Press - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Golem
Uses its huge body to press enemies into the ground. The impact's shockwave damages surrounding foes. Consume: 12 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Paralyzes enemies.
Special: Can destroy noticeable cracks on the ground of some areas to reveal hidden passages.
Hip Press Lv2 CoD Icon Hip Press Lv.2 - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Golem
Uses its huge body to press enemies into the ground. The impact's shockwave damages surrounding foes. Attrib: Earth
Consume: 12 Hearts
First Obtained: Successfully perform 100 chain combos with Golem.
Effect: Paralyzes enemies.
Special: Can destroy noticeable cracks on the ground of some areas to reveal hidden passages.
Shoulder Ride CoD Icon Shoulder Ride - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Iytei
Hector rides on Iytei's shoulders, allowing Iytei to be controlled. Use the attack button to punch. Consume: 1 Heart
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Special: Destroys the statues blocking a door in the Forest of Jigramunt.
Ultra Scream CoD Icon Ultra Scream - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Iytei
Emits a piercing scream that stuns surrounding foes. Consume: 8 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Paralyzes enemies.
Homing Eye CoD Icon Homing Eye - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Juggernaut
An explosive eye that chases down enemies. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 15 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Brute Force Lv2 CoD Icon Brute Force Lv. 2 - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Juggernaut
Lifts up the ground by sheer brute force. Can also be used to lift heavy rocks. Consume: 4 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Special: Can unlock the large metal doors in the Infinite Corridor.
Grand Wave CoD Icon Grand Wave - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Rasetz - Corpsey
Sends an energy wave forward across the ground. Attrib: Earth
Consume: 8 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Glow Soul CoD Icon Glow Soul - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Rasetz
Launches an energy soul that homes in on enemies. Attrib: Dark
Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Bone Storm CoD Icon Bone Storm - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Corpsey
Fires a continuous hail of sharpened bones. Attrib: Dark
Consume: 12 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Chain Punch CoD Icon Chain Punch - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Ironside
Alternately blasts enemies with left and right arms. Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Machine Gun Shot CoD Icon Machine Gun Shot - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Ironside
Fires a machine gun from its arms for a short time. Consume: 15 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Mercury Sphere CoD Icon Mercury Sphere - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Liquid Golem
Converts body into a sphere of mercury and, now invincible, attacks enemies repeatedly. Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Magma Mode CoD Icon Magma Mode - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Liquid Golem
Skin reaches the temperature of boiling magma, and continuously attacks enemies for a short period. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 30 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Glide CoD Icon Glide - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Crow
Uses legs to propel Hector long distances. Allows access to places a normal jump cannot reach. Consume: 0 Hearts
First Obtained: Innate ability
Effect: Carries Hector over gaps.
Caltrops CoD Icon Caltrops - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Goldfinch
Spreads explosive caltrops, which explode after a brief period. Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Carpet Bombs CoD Icon Carpet Bombs - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Skull Wing
Drops a carpet of bone-bombs for a brief period. Consume: 15 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Bone Shot CoD Icon Bone Shot - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Skull Wing
Sends countless sharpened bones ripping through foes. Attrib: Dark
Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Sphere of Darkness CoD Icon Sphere of Darkness - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Khaos
Gathers latent rage in surrounding areas & spits it out as a sphere that slowly moves toward foes. Attrib: Dark
Consume: 15 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Big Bang CoD Icon Big Bang - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Phoenix
Trades own life for a massive explosion that completely wipes out all enemies in the vicinity. Consume: 49 Hearts
First Obtained: Defeat enemies that are level 25 or higher.
Notes: Kills the Innocent Devil in the process.
Fire Bird CoD Icon Fire Bird - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Phoenix
Smashes into foes with its flaming body, burning them to a crisp. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 12 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Long Glide CoD Icon Long Glide - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Wingosaurus
Uses legs to propel Hector long distances. Allows access to places a normal jump cannot reach. Consume: 0 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Effect: Carries Hector over gaps.
Special: Allows the player access to the Tower of Eternity.
Deadly Absorb CoD Icon Deadly Absorb - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Wingosaurus
Drains HP & gives it to Hector. Consume: 30 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Beat Progress CoD Icon Beat Progress - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Blagsdeath
Attacks enemies with a series of deadly kicks. Consume: 6 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Conflict Fall CoD Icon Conflict Fall - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Gargoyle
Puts everything into one mighty kick, so energized that contact with the foe causes an explosion. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Force Cannon CoD Icon Force Cannon - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Gargoyle
Transforms into a Magic Circle & launches countless beams at the foe. Consume: 15 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Icicle Shot CoD Icon Icicle Shot - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Indigo
A sharpened solid icicle rips foes apart. Attrib: Ice
Consume: 8 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Blizzard Breath CoD Icon Blizzard Breath - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Indigo
Frozen breath turns foes into ice. Attrib: Ice
Consume: 30 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Ignition Blow CoD Icon Ignition Blow - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Crimson
Launches a flaming ball towards the foe, sending up a pillar of fire where it lands. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Sorcery Flame CoD Icon Flame Breath - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Crimson
Flaming breath burns up all foes in the vicinity. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 15 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Time Stop CoD Icon Time Stop - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Wood Rod
Magic that stops time. Halts all movement in the world for a brief period. Consume: 40 Hearts
First Obtained: Innate Ability
Special: Counters Saint Germain's time-manipulating spells.
Lightning Strike CoD Icon Lightning Strike - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Wood Rod
Brings lightning down on foes' heads. Attrib: Thunder
Consume: 8 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Floating B CoD Icon Floating B - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Scissor Rod
Seals flame magic in a floating ball which then rotates at high speed around Hector. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Sorcery Flame CoD Icon Sorcery Flame - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Scissor Rod
Flame similar to that breathed by a dragon. After years of research, mages can now use it. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Circle Scissors CoD Icon Circle Scissors - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Talon Rod
Creates a circular saw-toothed ring that rotates around Hector. A perversion of an angel's halo. Attrib: Light
Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Freeze CoD Icon Freeze - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Talon Rod
Lowers the surrounding temperatures & seals foes in ice. Attrib: Ice
Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Purify - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Nautilus Rod
With a single blow, returns all ghost monsters to the afterlife. Attrib: Light
Consume: 0 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Special: Can kill enemies instantly. This is also the only ability that can destroy Blood Skeletons.
Satellite B CoD Icon Satellite B - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Nautilus Rod
Creates floating cannons with artificial intelligence that can attack enemies for a brief period. Attrib: Light
Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Agnea CoD Icon Agnea - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Ogre Rod
Strips away foes life with holy lightning. Attrib: Thunder
Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Synchron Saucer B CoD Icon Synchron Saucer B - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Ogre Rod
Suspends saucers around Hector. Sensing any intent to strike, they attack along with Hector. Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Argent B CoD Icon Argent B - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Goat Head
Creates rapidly spinning blades that float around Hector. The vacuum they create tears foes apart. Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Salamander CoD Icon Salamander - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Goat Head
A blazing fire dragon attacks foes for a brief period. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 30 Hearts
First Obtained: Move with Hector continuously for over an hour.
Tension Boost CoD Icon Tension Boost - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Eyeball Rod
Raises Hector's attack power for a brief period. Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Homing CoD Icon Homing - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Eyeball Rod
Fires multiple lasers that home in on foes. Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Explosion B CoD Icon Explosion B - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Embryo Rod
Places floating mines around Hector that explode upon contact with enemies. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Demonic Disaster CoD Icon Demonic Disaster - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Embryo Rod
Magic that creates a massive explosion, purging everything in the vicinity with holy flames. Attrib: Fire
Consume: 35 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Shield CoD Icon Shield - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Crystal Rod
Creates a shield that defends completely against an enemy attack. Works one time only. Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Meteo CoD Icon Meteo - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Crystal Rod
Alters the course of a meteorite & brings it down on foes' head. Attrib: Earth
Consume: 40 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Twinkle Star - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Twinkle Rod
Pulls a star out of orbit & down onto foes' heads. Apparently only female mages can perform the spell. Attrib: Light
Consume: 40 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Dancing Stars CoD Icon Dancing Stars - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Twinkle Rod
Uses the spell to become friends with a star. Come on, let's dance! Attrib: Light
Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Magic Circle CoD Icon Magic Circle - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Gale
Transforms into a Magic Circle along with Hector. Invincible while transformed. Consume: 10 Hearts
First Obtained: Innate ability
M. Circle Scissors CoD Icon M. Circle Scissors - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Brow
Transforms into a Magic Circle along with Hector. Press the attack button to do a dash attack. Consume: 15 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Needle Magic Circle CoD Icon Needle Magic Circle - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Brow
Transforms into a Magic Circle along with Hector. Press the attack button to strike using blades. Consume: 15 Hearts
First Obtained: Enemy defeats
Exploding M. Circle CoD Icon Exploding M. Circle - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - The End
The longer you hold the attack button down, the longer the explosion when it's released. Consume: 20 Hearts
First Obtained: The End must perform a killing blow on 20 enemies that are at least level 30 or higher. These 20 enemies must also not be allowed to damage Hector in order for the ability to be unlocked.
Pose CoD Icon Pose - Curse of Darkness
  Innocent Devil Abilities - Pumpkin
I'll show off one of my special poses! Consume: 0 Hearts
First Obtained: Innate ability (all forms)