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Pachislot Akumajō Dracula: Lords of Shadow Original Soundtrack is the soundtrack for Pachislot Akumajō Dracula: Lords of Shadow. It was composed by the Konami Kukeiha Club and released on August 22, 2017 in Japan.

Track list[]

  1. La domanda
  2. Nuova alba
  3. Beginning
  4. Bloody Tears
  5. Vampire Killer
  6. ベルモンドの決意 (Belmont's Determination)
  7. Forces of Darkness
  8. Battle of Vampire Lord
  9. 挑戦 (Challenge)
  10. 啓示 (Revelation)
  11. 運命 (Fate)
  12. 降臨 (Advent)
  13. VSカーミラー 前哨 (Carriage Front)
  14. Tues Deus meus (in manibus tuis)
  15. VSカーミラー 復活 (Carriage Revival)
  16. VSカーミラー 敗北 (Carriage Defeat)
  17. VSグレイヴディガー (Vs The Gravedigger)
  18. VSサキュバス (Vs The Succubus)
  19. VS機械獣 (Vs The Mechanical Monstrosity)
  20. VSシルバーウォリアー (Vs The Silver Warrior)
  21. VSライカンロード (Vs The Path of the Lycan)
  22. VSローラ (The Rolling)
  23. 捲土重来 (Come Back)
  24. 乾坤の血族 (Free Family)
  25. 剛魔襲来 (Goma Attack)
  26. 導火線の叫び (Cry of the fuse)
  27. 名もなき墓標 (Tombstone without name)
  28. 謎の噴気孔 (Mysterious Fumarole)
  29. 妙動な雰囲気 (Stunning Atmosphere)
  30. 辿り着く果てへ (To the End)
  31. Towards the purpose
  32. Gabriel's Daily Practice
  33. Calm down Warthog
  34. Blessing of the sun
  35. Abseiler
  36. Climber
  37. 血族の証明 (Proof of the Clan)
  38. Destructive measure
  39. 不吉な予感 (A sinister Premonition)
  40. Battle Cross
  41. 隠された真実 (Hidden Truth)
  42. 天恵の俗世 (Heavenly Word)
  43. 激闘の予感 (A feeling of Fierce Battle)
  44. 老翁の訓告 (Old Woman's Admonition)
  45. 精神感応 (Mental Response)
  46. 表裏転回 (Turning Over)
  47. Ecclesia
  48. 断頭台の悪夢 (Guillotine Nightmare)
  49. 魔物除水 (Magical Water Exclude)
  50. Underground
  51. 獣たちの叫び (Beasts' Scream)
  52. Purple Eyes
  53. 断崖絶壁 (Cliff/Ascension)
  54. 要塞に巣食う巨人 (Fortress Giant)
  55. 時を刻む罠 (Time to Mark)
  56. 囚われたフェリシア (Felicia is Captured)
  57. 魔物襲来 (Demonic Attack)
  58. 燈光教団の戦士 (Warriors)
  59. Evolution of Magic Stone
  60. The theme of Titan
  61. 天命の凱旋 (Triumphal Tribute)