Pachislot Akumajō Dracula: Lords of Shadow Original Soundtrack is the soundtrack for Pachislot Akumajō Dracula: Lords of Shadow. It was composed by the Konami Kukeiha Club and released on August 22, 2017 in Japan.
Track list[]
- La domanda
- Nuova alba
- Beginning
- Bloody Tears
- Vampire Killer
- ベルモンドの決意 (Belmont's Determination)
- Forces of Darkness
- Battle of Vampire Lord
- 挑戦 (Challenge)
- 啓示 (Revelation)
- 運命 (Fate)
- 降臨 (Advent)
- VSカーミラー 前哨 (Carriage Front)
- Tues Deus meus (in manibus tuis)
- VSカーミラー 復活 (Carriage Revival)
- VSカーミラー 敗北 (Carriage Defeat)
- VSグレイヴディガー (Vs The Gravedigger)
- VSサキュバス (Vs The Succubus)
- VS機械獣 (Vs The Mechanical Monstrosity)
- VSシルバーウォリアー (Vs The Silver Warrior)
- VSライカンロード (Vs The Path of the Lycan)
- VSローラ (The Rolling)
- 捲土重来 (Come Back)
- 乾坤の血族 (Free Family)
- 剛魔襲来 (Goma Attack)
- 導火線の叫び (Cry of the fuse)
- 名もなき墓標 (Tombstone without name)
- 謎の噴気孔 (Mysterious Fumarole)
- 妙動な雰囲気 (Stunning Atmosphere)
- 辿り着く果てへ (To the End)
- Towards the purpose
- Gabriel's Daily Practice
- Calm down Warthog
- Blessing of the sun
- Abseiler
- Climber
- 血族の証明 (Proof of the Clan)
- Destructive measure
- 不吉な予感 (A sinister Premonition)
- Battle Cross
- 隠された真実 (Hidden Truth)
- 天恵の俗世 (Heavenly Word)
- 激闘の予感 (A feeling of Fierce Battle)
- 老翁の訓告 (Old Woman's Admonition)
- 精神感応 (Mental Response)
- 表裏転回 (Turning Over)
- Ecclesia
- 断頭台の悪夢 (Guillotine Nightmare)
- 魔物除水 (Magical Water Exclude)
- Underground
- 獣たちの叫び (Beasts' Scream)
- Purple Eyes
- 断崖絶壁 (Cliff/Ascension)
- 要塞に巣食う巨人 (Fortress Giant)
- 時を刻む罠 (Time to Mark)
- 囚われたフェリシア (Felicia is Captured)
- 魔物襲来 (Demonic Attack)
- 燈光教団の戦士 (Warriors)
- Evolution of Magic Stone
- The theme of Titan
- 天命の凱旋 (Triumphal Tribute)