Quests are missions given to the player by a non-playable character. They are usually optional, although completing them can award the player with powerful weapons, devastating spells, rare items, stat boosts, just to name a few.
Quests can be very different from one another, sometimes requiring the player to find and bring back a special item to the quest giver, slay a certain monster, perform an action in a specific location, etc.
Game specific information[]
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin[]
In this game, quests are given to Jonathan and Charlotte by Wind. All quests are optional, although they are key in obtaining new items, stat boosts or powerful weapons.
The player can only start a maximum of five quests at any given time, as there are only five "quest slots" available. Once a quest has been commenced, it cannot be removed from the quest list by any means but only until it has been completed. This potentially could be a problem if, for example, the player sold a crucial item required for a quest beforehand, making the acquisition of a replacement a hard task, such as being forced to get it in a new game+ or obtaining it from another player. Furthermore, the pending quest will remain occupying one of the five quest slots for a big portion of the game, depriving the player the ability to start other quests once they become available if the quest queue is full.
Not all quests are available from the start; new quests will become available as the player progresses through the game. These are usually triggered by specific events, generally being after defeating an area boss.
After completing all quests, the Magus Ring will appear in the room to the left of Wind's room as the ultimate reward.
Quest | Requirements | Strategy | Reward |
Preparations "The priest should have some useful things for you in the next room. Get the potion and map." |
Potion Castle Map 1 |
The only quest that must be completed in order to progress in the game; all Wind asks the player is to buy a Castle Map 1 and a Potion from Vincent in the room to the right. The player starts with two Potions already in their inventory; as long as they have at least one of these, all they need to do is buy the Castle Map 1 and report back to Wind to complete the quest. | Lizard Tail |
Supersonic Punch "Go to the butcher in town and mince some meat to get "Ground Meat"." |
Ground Meat |
In the City of Haze, there is a room at the top-left corner of the first building with three dangling pieces of meat. Unequip any weapon from Jonathan, punch the meat with his bare hands and it will turn into a Ground Meat. If the player punches the other two pieces, they will turn into Ground Meats too; however, if they pick up the first one and then punch the other pieces, these will turn into Hearts instead. | Bullet Punch |
Ghosts of the Desert "There is a room in which many ghosts gather. Defeat the Great Ghost that appears there." |
Defeat the Great Ghost |
In the Sandy Grave, in the bottom-rightmost room of the upper right area, Ghosts will spawn constantly. After killing enough of them, a Great Ghost will appear. Kill it to complete the quest. | Bible |
Defender of the Stairs "Go defeat 10 Hill Guards." |
Defeat 10 Hill Guards |
Hill Guards are common enemies in the Great Stairway. | Whip Skill 2 |
The Spinning Art "Jonathan, let's see you enter this command: → ↓ ← → + Y" |
Press →, ↓, ←, → + Y |
Perform the required button combination. | Spinning Art |
Art of the Zephyr "Jonathan, perform the "Spinning Art" in front of me three times in a row." |
Press →, ↓, ←, → + Y three times in succession |
Perform the Spinning Art three times in succession in the same room as Wind. If a considerable amount of time passes between performing the moves, the counter will reset and the player will have to perform another three Spinning Arts. | Rocket Slash |
Find the King of Birds "Find the rare Dodo and defeat it." |
Defeat the Dodo |
The king of the birds is the Dodo and it can be found in the Forgotten City. In the rooms before and beyond fighting the Poison Worm, it randomly walks into the screen, then runs away. Use a quick attack or freeze time to kill it. | Thief Ring |
Overcome the Curse "Go, and come back when you've been cursed." |
Get cursed and return to Wind before the effect passes | Warp to the Warp Point near the Nation of Fools, drop one room and let the hero get cursed by the Lilith in there. Then return to the Warp Point, warp to the Entrance and report back to Wind. Alternatively, the player can wear a Skull Ring if the file is a New Game+ with one in possession. |
Blessed Ring |
The Statue's Tear "Find the "Statue's Tear" buried under the rubble and bring it here." |
Statue's Tear | In the Nation of Fools there is a statue of Virgin Mary in the lower left corner of the map. If the player examines it before gaining access to the quest, Jonathan or Charlotte will remark that it's an unusual place for a statue. After starting the quest and examining it, the statue will start bleeding from its eyes and the player will receive the Statue's Tear. Report back to Wind to complete the quest. | Holy Water |
The Martial Art "Jonathan, let's see you enter this command: ↑ ← ↓ → + Y" |
Press ↑, ←, ↓, → + Y |
Perform the required button combination. | Martial Art |
Holy Appearance "Charlotte, I'll teach you a healing spell. Come back wearing three nun items." |
Nun's Robes Nun's Habit Nun's Shoes |
Charlotte must wear three nun items in front of Wind. The Nun's Shoes are in the City of Haze, the Nun's Robes are in a secret room near the entrance to the Nation of Fools (break the ceiling just before entering the room with the painting) and the Nun's Habit is in plain sight in a room near the entrance to the Sandy Grave. | Heal |
Number of Fortune "I'll teach you a lucky spell. Come back when the last 3 digits of your money are 777." |
Make the last three digits of your gold end in 777 | The best way to achieve this is by trading items with Vincent until nearing the target amount of gold, then enter the City of Haze via the nearby painting and get the remaining gold from the first lamp post. | LUCK Boost |
Mental Training 1 "Go reduce your MP, then come back." |
Deplete all of your MP | There are two ways to satisfy the quest's requirement. The player can either use their skills until their MP is too low, or they can get cursed, be it through enemies or by equipping the Skull Ring. | MP Max Up |
Mental Training 2 "Go find the "Thick Glasses". That should make you look a little smarter." |
Thick Glasses |
Find the Thick Glasses in the City of Haze. They are in the upper-left room of the first big hall after defeating Dullahan. This room requires the Owl or Toad Morph spell to fully explore it, but the Thick Glasses are just within reach. | MP Max Up |
The Spear of Legend "Become a master of the "Javelin". I will then bequeath you my spear." |
Master the Javelin |
Master the Javelin by using it to defeat enemies. | Alucard's Spear |
Mental Training 3 "Go raise your INT to at least 100, then come back." |
Raise INT to at least 100 | This is easier with Charlotte, who has higher innate INT than Jonathan. Equip as many INT-boosting items as she can wear (Kirtle or Dalmatica, Thick Glasses or Holy Veil, Artemis Shoes, Silent or Royal Sandals, Blue Cape or Paludamentum, etc.), then use the INT Boost spell to add another 30 points (you need to charge the spell for two full bars - to do that, keep holding up and attack after the bar is full). Twin Bee can help with this if the file selected has bested Hard difficulty with a lv. cap of 25 or 1. | MP Max Up |
Nest of Evil "When 888% of the map is filled, the path to the "Nest of Evil" will open at the castle gates." |
Explore at least 888% of the game map | By the time the player reaches this quest, they should already have more than 888% map rate uncovered, unless they took many shortcuts. Be aware that the whole game map includes all of the painting stages. Once the quest is completed, if the player returns to the room that houses the drawbridge into Dracula's Castle (at the Entrance) and goes the bottom-right corner of that room, they will find that a secret passage has opened up. Following this passage will lead to the Nest of Evil. | Opens the entrance to the Nest of Evil |
Defeat the Ghoul King "Go and defeat the "Ghoul King"." |
Defeat the Ghoul King |
In 13th Street, there are some rooms with respawning Ghouls. After killing a few Ghouls, the Ghoul King will appear. Defeat it. | Immunity Ring |
Abandon Greed "You lack desperation. Come back when you have no money." |
Get rid of all gold | The player must have 0 gold in total, so every cent must be spent. To complete this quest, the player may start by buying an expensive item they may have been waiting to acquire (like the Golden Axe, Arachne Hennin, Dalmatica, Master Ring, Holy Claymore, etc.). Once this has been done, the player should study Vincent's wares list and choose the item which its cost is slightly higher than their remaining gold. Next, the player should move to the large room outside and keep breaking Candles to obtain coins until they reach exactly the amount of gold necessary to buy that item, then return to the shop and buy it to end up with 0 gold. | Miser Ring |
A Rank Hunter "Defeat a total of 1,500 enemies. As a reward, I'll give you a new weapon." |
Defeat 1,500 enemies | Recommended places to complete this quest are rooms in the Buried Chamber where many Mud Men spawn, or the desert areas of Sandy Grave and Forgotten City, where Mummies appear constantly. The total amount of enemies killed throughout the course of the game can be consulted in the pause menu. |
Royal Sword |
Mental Training 4 "Go raise your MND to at least 100, then come back." |
Raise MND to at least 100 | Like the above "Mental Training 3" quest, it is better to do this with Charlotte. This quest is easier to complete, though. In Sandy Grave the player can find a Charm Necklace (MND +10); however, due to a possible scripting error, they'll obtain two of them instead. Since MND grows about 10 points higher than INT, then the player should have no problem in completing this quest by the time they complete "Mental Training 3". Start by equipping the two Charm Necklaces. If the player reaches 70 MND points, all they need then is to cast a fully charged MIND Boost to obtain the remaining 30 MND points. If they still can't reach the desired amount, equipping any MND boosting gear they have will help (Nun's Robes, Frilly Camisole, Robe Decollete, Nun's Habit, Artemis Shoes, Silent or Royal Sandals, etc.). | MP Max Up |
S Rank Hunter "Defeat a total of 3,000 enemies." |
Defeat 3,000 enemies | Recommended places to complete this quest are rooms in the Buried Chamber where many Mud Men spawn, or the desert areas of Sandy Grave and Forgotten City, where Mummies appear constantly. The total amount of enemies killed throughout the course of the game can be consulted in the pause menu. Once the quest is completed, Wind will reward Jonathan with the Undead Killer, a very strong whip that can kill what would otherwise be unkillable in the game, like Red Skeletons and Red Axe Armors. |
Undead Killer |
The Gambler "Collect five cards." |
Spade Diamond Heart Club Joker |
This one can be frustrating because the clue is very vague. The player must defeat five certain enemies that drop a playing card, then return to Wind with all five cards in possession. Spade - Yorick (Forgotten City, Burnt Paradise, Nest of Evil) Diamond - Coppelia (Nation of Fools) Heart - Nyx (13th Street, Nest of Evil) Club - Treant (Forest of Doom) Joker - Killer Clown (Nation of Fools) |
Gambler Glasses |
Hands of the Clock "Come to me when the short hand of the great clock points to 12." |
The clock must mark 12:00 | Talk to Wind when the clock on the DS system is either at noon or midnight (12:00 a.m. or p.m.). The time of the clock can be adjusted manually to complete this quest sooner. If playing through an emulator, the device's (PC, tablet, mobile, etc.) time can be adjusted as well. | Time Stop |
Poison vs. Poison "If you want a poison sword, bring me "Moldy Bread", "Amanita" and a "Long Sword"." |
Moldy Bread Amanita Long Sword |
The Moldy Bread is in the Forest of Doom, Moldy Corpses drop Amanitas and a Long Sword is in the City of Haze. Players should be aware of not selling their Long Sword or Moldy Bread before completing this quest, as there are no other means to get them in a normal game, other than buying them from another player or by starting a New Game+. By the time this quest becomes available, the Long Sword should be already obsolete and there's no way the player could have known it was required to complete a quest beforehand. | Assassin Blade |
Build Your Strength 1 "You should be able to find a "Beehive" somewhere. It should help you build your strength." |
Beehive |
In the Forest of Doom there are many Bee Hives that release Killer Bees. Destroy them until a Beehive (item) drops from one. | HP Max Up |
Build Your Strength 2 "You can't fight on an empty stomach. Go find the "New York Steak" and bring it here." |
New York Steak |
Either find a New York Steak or kill a Gorgon until it drops one. Gorgons can be found in Burnt Paradise and the Forgotten City. A free New York Steak can be found by breaking the tip of one of the ledges in the room before confronting the Creature in the Dark Academy. | HP Max Up |
The Lonely Stage "There's a ghost that hopes to hear a performance in a classroom in the underworld. Grant his wish." |
Find the piano room in the Dark Academy | In the Dark Academy there is a room with a piano directly to the right of the second Warp Point. Wait by the music stand in the room until a ghost appears to play a song on the piano. The ghost will have a Record Player delivered to Wind through some unknown means, which will be given to the player as a reward. | Record Player |
Build Your Strength 3 "You can't fight on an empty stomach. Go and find five different kinds of cakes." |
Collect five different kinds of cakes, which can include any of these: Sachertorte NY Cheesecake Mille-feuille Wheat Roll Tarte au Poire Gateau Fraise Kugelhopf Green Tea Cake Gateau Marron |
Cakes can be found scattered in various areas of the City of Haze and 13th Street. Additionally, six cakes can be obtained in a secret bakery in the City of Haze (break the bottom-left floor of the second building, drop to the bottom of this room and then break the right wall to find it). There is a counter with various cakes in it and a register with a chandelier on top. Hit the register so it opens, then break the chandelier so a coin falls into it. The register will close and, depending on the coin's value, a cake in the counter will rise for the player to take. Four cakes can be obtained from a $1, $10, $50 and $100 gold coin each, the other two need that the player equips one and two Gold Rings respectively to make larger currency drop. Sachertorte - $1 NY Cheesecake - $10 Mille-feuille - $50 Wheat Roll - $100 Tarte au Poire - $500 Gateau Fraise - $1,000 |
HP Max Up |
Pray Before the Cross "Pray before the cross in the church under the cover of darkness." |
Find the cross in 13th Street | There is a big ornamental cross in a room in 13th Street. From the last Warp Point, head right two rooms past the first big hall and drop to the room below. Dispatch of the two Amalaric Snipers and the Ghost Dancers and press ↑ before the cross found there. | Cross |
Build Your Strength 4 "You must always be able to fight to your full potential. Go raise your CON to at least 100." |
Raise CON to at least 100 | Jonathan has the advantage here, due to his innate CON increases per level, as well as Defensive Form; but don't forget that Charlotte's CON Boost spell, which raises CON by 30 (15 for Jonathan), is also at the player's disposal. However, the best way of completing this quest is by activating Jonathan's Stonewall skill (CON and MND +80), found in the Forest of Doom and which ironically coincides around the time this quest becomes available. Equip Stonewall on Jonathan, switch to Charlotte and stand before Wind. Press and hold the R button so Jonathan spawns and activates Stonewall, and while doing so, press ↑ to talk to Wind. |
HP Max Up |
Lost Page "Bring me "Tome of Arms p1" and "Tome of Arms p2". They're missing from my Tome of Arms." |
Tome of Arms p1 Tome of Arms p2 |
In the Nest of Evil there are two items that can be found lying around: Tome of Arms p1 and Tome of Arms p2. Bring them both to Wind. He gives Charlotte the Tome of Arms X upon completion, perhaps the most powerful of her tome weapons under the right circumstances. | Tome of Arms X |
The Hundred Tasks "Defeat 100 different kinds of enemies." |
Defeat 100 types of enemies | Defeat 100 types of enemies (not 100 enemies in total). This quest will most likely be already completed by the time it is available. | Sage Ring |
Master the Holy Power "Master these three moves of holy power: "Cross", "Holy Water" and "Bible"." |
Master the Cross, Holy Water and Bible |
Master the following sub-weapon skills: Bible, Cross and Holy Water. To complete this quest, try to buy a Master Ring first and travel to the second Warp Point in the Dark Academy. Keep killing the two Minotaurs that spawn in the room below by hitting them at least once with the desired sub-weapon. If the player can't afford to buy a Master Ring, they'll drop Bullovas and Hercules Rings, which can be sold for $10,000 and $7,500 respectively. For each kill, they'll give 10 SP; this amount will be doubled by wearing a Master Ring and tripled if wearing two. The player will also be benefited by the high amounts of experience given by these enemies (414 EXP each), allowing them to level up faster and, in return, kill these enemies more quickly. | Grand Cruz |
Almighty "Jonathan, the time has come for you to learn all of the vampire hunter's skills." |
Find all of Jonathan's sub-weapon skills. |
Some sub-weapon skills can be bought, most others found throughout the castle, and a few can be found after defeating enemies. The Stellar Sword, a Holy elemental sword that belonged to Maxim Kischine, will serve as Jonathan's reward. | Stellar Sword |
The Great Sage "Charlotte, the time has come for you to learn all of the great sage's spells." |
Find all of Charlotte's spell skills. |
Some spell skills can be bought, most others found throughout the castle, and a few can be found after defeating enemies. The Sorceress Crest, an accessory that lowers the time needed to conjure any of Charlotte's spells, will be earned once this is done. | Sorceress Crest |
Kill Gergoth "Charlotte, use the Blank Book to put Gergoth out of his misery." |
+ Defeat Gergoth with the Blank Book |
In the Nest of Evil there is a boss called Gergoth (originally introduced in Dawn of Sorrow). It must be killed by Charlotte using the Blank Book (bought from Vincent). This doesn't mean, however, that only the Blank Book can be used in battle. As long as the last strike is from the book, the player can weaken Gergoth with any attack. This is useful since the Blank Book has very little range and does minimal damage. Gergoth can be found by warping to the second Warp Point in the Nest of Evil and going through all rooms in that challenge. To complete this quest, it's highly recommended to raise Charlotte's STR stat as high as possible (Wedding Dress, Open Veil, Combat Boots, Assassin's Cape and a fully charged STR Boost). Start the fight by performing a 1,000 Blades dual crush (be careful, as a second one may kill Gergoth, failing the quest) and weaken him more by letting Jonathan attack him a few more times; then switch to Charlotte with the Blank Book equipped and keep attacking him until he dies. | Cocytus |
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia[]
Optional quests are given to Shanoa by the inhabitants of Wygol Village once they have been rescued and are back in town. Each villager proposes different quests, although quests from the same villager will always be of the same kind (killing a monster, bringing back an item, etc.). Completed quests allow villagers to offer new and more difficult quests to Shanoa. When all thirty-five quests have been completed, Nikolai will present her with the Master Ring in gratitude.
Since most quests require Shanoa to bring an item, either obtained by a rare enemy drop, by finding them inside of green chests, or in some instances by absorbing a glyph, it is advisable to choose an apparel that greatly boosts LCK and wait until obtaining the Felicem Fio glyph before starting to complete harder ones. The player should also be aware that the LCK stat levels up extremely slow in this game (only 1 point for every three levels), so it is not advisable to spend much time in trying to raise it.
Quest Giver | Quest | Requirements | Strategy | Reward |
Nikolai |
N/A | Complete all quests | Complete all thirty-five villagers' quests to obtain the Master Ring as a reward from Nikolai. Since most of them require obtaining items, either from rare drops from enemies or those appearing in green chests, it's highly recommended to start doing them after obtaining the Felicem Fio glyph and obtaining the best LCK boosting gear possible, especially accessories like the Thief, Fool or Fortune Rings. | Master Ring |
Jacob |
N/A | Spend 100,000G at the shop | Obtaining gold is generally not an issue in Order of Ecclesia, and by the end of the game the player should have more than enough to satisfy all their needs. Just remember to sell all those items not further necessary (especially accessories, which have the highest selling values) and use that gold to buy resources or expensive items from the shop, until spending at least 100,000G. Jacob will present Shanoa with the VIP Card the next time he's talked to. | VIP Card |
Abram |
Running Out of Sage "Please bring me some Sage." |
Sage |
A Sage can be found on a high ledge in Misty Forest Road. They can also appear inside of wooden chests in Minera Prison Island, Misty Forest Road and the Skeleton Cave. | Adds Potion and Tonic to the shop. |
Medicinal Ingredients Needed "I'm looking for Chamomile and Rue." |
Chamomile Rue |
A Chamomile can be found on a high ledge in Oblivion Ridge, in a room after Gravedorcus's boss room. They can also appear inside of wooden chests in Minera Prison Island, Tymeo Mountains and Somnus Reef. A Rue can be found on a high ledge in Misty Forest Road. They can also appear inside of wooden chests in Tymeo Mountains, Tristis Pass and Argila Swamp. |
Adds Anti-Venom and Uncurse Potion to the shop. | |
Mandrake is the Best Medicine "I'm fresh out of Sage and Mandrake Root." |
Sage Mandrake Root |
A Sage can be found on a high ledge in Misty Forest Road. They can also appear inside of wooden chests in Minera Prison Island, Misty Forest Road and the Skeleton Cave. Go to Argila Swamp and in the second room (entering from right to left) is a swamp with three Mandragoras near each other behind an Owl Knight. Dispose of the knight and kill all three Mandragoras with a single Nitesco shot. Repeat until they drop a Mandrake Root. |
Adds High Potion, Heart Repair and High Tonic to the shop. | |
Unusual Medicine Components "I'm looking for both Sage and Merman Meat". |
Sage Merman Meat |
A Sage can be found on a high ledge in Misty Forest Road. They can also appear inside of wooden chests in Minera Prison Island, Misty Forest Road and the Skeleton Cave. Enter Somnus Reef and warp to the second Warp Point. Go one room up and one room right and a lone Lorelai can be found. Keep killing her until she drops a Merman Meat. She has an extremely low drop rate, so many attempts may be required. |
Adds Super Potion to the shop. | |
Laura |
A Lucky Stone "Bring me a Lapis Lazuli." |
Lapis Lazuli |
Lapis Lazulis can be found inside of wooden chests in Kalidus Channel, Misty Forest Road and the Skeleton Cave. | Adds Lucky Clover to the shop. |
A Pleasant Accessory "Bring me one each: Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald." |
Ruby Sapphire Emerald |
A Ruby can be found in a breakable wall in Tymeo Mountains. This wall is located just behind a red chest, in a room where two Skull Spiders appear (rightmost vertical room on the map). They can also appear inside of green chests in Tymeo Mountains, Tristis Pass and Argila Swamp. A Sapphire can be found lying behind a tower of Fishheads in Kalidus Channel, in a room above the rightmost Warp Point (check the map). They can also appear inside of green chests in Somnus Reef. An Emerald can be found inside of the rightmost red chest located in the sunken ship in Kalidus Channel. They can also appear inside of green chests in Tristis Pass and Argila Swamp. All three items can also appear inside of wooden chests throughout all areas of Dracula's Castle. |
Adds Ruby Ring, Ruby Pins, Sapphire Ring, Sapphire Pins, Emerald Ring and Emerald Pins to the shop. | |
A Heartwarming Accessory "Bring me a Diamond and an Onyx." |
Diamond Onyx |
A Diamond can be found by breaking the leftmost wall in the next room after Gravedorcus's boss room in Oblivion Ridge. They can also appear inside of green chests in Tristis Pass and Argila Swamp. An Onyx can be found by breaking a wall on the right in a vertical room at the center of Tristis Pass, where three Ectoplasms appear. They can also appear inside of green chests throughout all areas of Dracula's Castle. Both items can also be found inside of two red chests in a hidden room in Final Approach (Dracula's Castle). Break the ceiling of the big room outside the last Warp Point to find it. Both items can also appear inside of wooden chests in the Training Hall and the Large Cavern. |
Adds Onyx Ring, Onyx Pins, Diamond Ring and Diamond Pins to the shop. | |
The Job of a Lifetime "Could you bring me Alexandrite?" |
Alexandrite |
Alexandrite can be found inside of green chests in both the Training Hall and the Large Cavern. It's recommended trying to get it in the Training Hall and learn how to complete the stage in a short time. It has a ¼ chance to spawn in the final chest, so many attempts may be required. | Royal Crown | |
Eugen |
Poor Preparation is Costly "Please bring me 3 Iron Ores." |
Iron Ore ×3 |
An Iron Ore can be found inside of a red chest in the bottom-leftmost big room in Kalidus Channel. They are also dropped by Rock Knights and Automatons ZX26. They can also appear inside of wooden chests in Kalidus Channel and Tymeo Mountains, as well as green chests in Minera Prison Island. | 2,400G Adds Iron Plate and Iron Leggings to the shop. |
What the Blacksmith Does Best "I need 3 Silver Ores." |
Silver Ore ×3 |
Silver Ores are dropped by Owl Knights, Tin Men, Hammer Shakers and Automatons ZX27. They can also appear inside of wooden chests in Somnus Reef, Tristis Pass, Argila Swamp and throughout all areas of Dracula's Castle, as well as inside of green chests in Tymeo Mountains, Misty Forest Road and the Skeleton Cave. |
3,600G Adds Silver Plate and Silver Leggings to the shop. | |
Work of the Finest Quality "I'm looking for 3 Gold Ores." |
Gold Ore ×3 |
A Gold Ore can be found inside of a red chest located in the room above Albus's boss room in Mystery Manor (check the map). Another one can be found inside of a red chest in a hidden room in Final Approach (Dracula's Castle). Break the ceiling of the big room just outside the last Warp Point to find it. Dropped by Tin Men, Double Hammers and Weapon Masters. They can also appear inside of wooden chests in the Training Hall and the Large Cavern, as well as green chests throughout all areas of Dracula's Castle. |
7,200G Adds Gold Plate, Gold Leggings, Platinum Plate and Platinum Leggings to the shop. | |
Aeon |
Needs More Salt "Please bring me some Salt." |
Salt |
Salt is a common drop of Needles, Fishheads and Forneuses, all of which can be found throughout Kalidus Channel. | Adds Corn Soup and Minestrone to the shop. |
I've Never Eaten That "I'm in need of Raw Killer Fish." |
Raw Killer Fish |
Enter Kalidus Channel by the bottom-right entrance. In the next room there's a lone Killer Fish. Keep entering this room from the left side and kill it by firing a single Nitesco shot from beyond the rock formation while crouching until it drops a Raw Killer Fish. | Killer Fish BBQ Adds Ramen Noodles and Killer Fish BBQ to the shop. | |
Can't Cook Without Ingredients "I'm in the market for Tasty Meat." |
Tasty Meat |
A Tasty Meat can be found by breaking the tip of a platform in a room located a couple of rooms above the first Save Point in the Castle Entrance (Dracula's Castle), where Red Skeletons are pacing around. They can also appear inside of green chests in Somnus Reef. Equip the Treasure Hat before entering the stage to make it more probable that a green chest spawns. |
Adds Curry and Thick Steak to the shop. | |
Marcel |
Case of the Vicious Blight "Use a camera to take a picture of Cave Troll." |
Photo 1 |
Take a picture of a Cave Troll with the Camera. The first Cave Troll is found perched onto a tree in Tymeo Mountains, but due to the irregularity of the terrain it's not recommended to photograph it in there. It's better to take the picture in the Forsaken Cloister (Dracula's Castle), where the layout permits better maneuverability. | 6,000G Adds "Frontier" Issue 1 to the shop. |
Case of the Demon Horse "Use a camera to snap a shot of the elusive Jersey Devil." |
Photo 2 |
Take a picture of a Jersey Devil with the Camera. They can be found all over Argila Swamp. Just run toward the first one encountered, jump and while in front of it in midair, enter the menu and use the Camera. | 8,000G Adds "Frontier" Issue 2 to the shop. | |
Case of the Hideous Snowman "Track down the Yeti and take a picture with a camera." |
Photo 3 |
Take a picture of the Yeti. Only one appears in the entire game and he can be found in the big vertical room located at the center of Tymeo Mountains (check the map). Drop from the platform above to land in front of him and take the picture. If he managed to escape, just re-enter the room and try again. | 12,000G Adds "Frontier" Issue Final to the shop. | |
George |
The Silent Violin "Bring me some Horse Hair, if you don't mind." |
Horse Hair |
Horse Hairs are dropped by Nightmares. These can be found in the cavern sections of Tymeo Mountains (long horizontal rooms at the bottom of the map). They are weak to Strike damage, but a Nitesco shot works just as well and has better reach. | Adds Record 2 and Record 3 to the shop. |
The Killing Scream "Use the Phonograph to record the Banshee's screaming." |
+ Use the Phonograph while a Banshee screams |
Return to the Monastery and keep advancing to the right. One room before the first Warp Point, a couple of Banshees appear. Lure one into performing her scream attack, enter the menu and use the Phonograph. | Adds Record 4 and Record 6 to the shop. | |
Artists Can Be Selfish "I need some Black Ink and an Eagle Feather." |
Black Ink Eagle Feather |
Enter Kalidus Channel by the bottom-left entrance and make way a couple of rooms to the right until reaching a room with three Dark Octopuses. Keep killing them until they drop a Black Ink. Eagle Feathers are common drops from Altairs. The best place to farm them is in Oblivion Ridge, in rooms where these enemies spawn constantly. |
Adds Record 7 and Record 8 to the shop. | |
Serge |
Hide and Seek! "I want to play Hide and Seek!" |
Find Serge in a barrel before time runs out |
Start by breaking the barrel on the bottom-left corner of Wygol Village and make a counterclockwise run through the town, breaking all barrels along the way. Rapidus Fio makes this quest trivial, as all barrels can be destroyed in a matter of seconds and just by touching them while dashing. |
Red Drops |
Show Me the Owl! "I wish I could see an Owl." |
Fidelis Noctua |
Owls can be found prominently perched on tree-branches in Tristis Pass. Keep killing them until they drop the Fidelis Noctua glyph. Return to Wygol Village and activate it to call an Owl Familiar. Talk to Serge to complete the quest. | Blue Drops | |
Can't Catch Me! "Let's play Blind Man's Bluff." |
Find Serge in the dark before time runs out |
As soon as this quest starts, the screen will be completely darkened (Shanoa is supposedly wearing a blindfold). Serge is hiding on a rooftop at the higher area of the village, just to the right from Daniela's house. To reach him in time, pay attention to the village map displayed on the top screen of the DS and guide Shanoa's indicator toward that location. Press ↑ when prompted to, to talk to Serge and complete the quest. | Green Drops | |
Anna |
Finding Tom "Do you know where Tom the cat wandered off to?" |
Tom |
Tom can be found perched high in a tree in Tristis Pass. He's in the third room if entering the stage by the left entrance. Listen to his meowing to locate his exact position. He comes to this place only after Irina has been rescued. | Black Drops |
Mice Make for Good Eats "Please find a Mouse to give to Tom the cat." |
Mouse |
A Mouse can be found running through the chambers of the sunken ship in Kalidus Channel. Enter this stage by the bottom-left entrance and keep going right until this vessel is found. The mouse cannot be picked up but only after the quest has been started. | Heart Earrings | |
Tom and Jewelry "Tom the cat needs a jeweled collar." |
Chrysoberyl Talk to Laura |
Equip the Treasure Hat and Rapidus Fio. Enter Tymeo Mountains by the top-right entrance and dash to the left two rooms. Make way to the bottom of the big room, where two chests can be found. The Treasure Hat will make it more probable that these spawn as green chests, where Chrysoberyls can be found. If unsuccessful, just exit to the map and try again until one appears. | Ribbon | |
Monica |
Making a Dress! "I need 5 Cotton Threads." |
Cotton Thread x5 |
Cotton Threads can appear inside of wooden chests in the Monastery, Ruvas Forest, Minera Prison Island and Kalidus Channel. | Cotton Dress Cotton Dress and Sequined Dress become available at the shop. |
Silkworm's Tragedy "I've run out of Silk Thread. 5 should be enough." |
Silk Thread x5 |
Enter Tristis Pass by the left entrance and make way past four big rooms until reaching the two big vertical rooms near the center of the map. Keep entering the top vertical room from the bottom, while killing the two Arachnes that spawn on the wooden bridge until they drop five Silk Threads. They can also appear inside of wooden chests in Misty Forest Road, Skeleton Cave and Somnus Reef, as well as inside of green chests in Kalidus Channel. |
Silk Dress Silk Dress, Empire Dress and Corset Dress become available at the shop. | |
Is That Cashmere? "I'm looking for 5 Cashmere Threads." |
Cashmere Thread x5 |
Enter the Mystery Manor and make way to the last Save Point. Equip the Melio Falcis glyph and keep entering the previous room, killing the two White Fomors that spawn there until they drop five Cashmere Threads. | Party Dress Party Dress and Wedding Dress become available at the shop. | |
Irina |
Vicious Crows "Defeat 30 Black Crows." |
Kill 30 Crows |
The best place to complete this quest is in Tymeo Mountains, entering by the top-left entrance. Walk past the first big room and a vertical one and enter the Warp Point nearby. Just outside is a Crow. Kill it from a safe distance with a Nitesco shot and just repeat until thirty have been slain. | Mocha Eclair |
Do You Hear Howling? "Can you defeat 10 Werewolves?" |
Kill 10 Werewolves |
The best place to complete this quest is in Oblivion Ridge. Make way past the second room and enter it again, this time by the left side. A Werewolf spawns relatively near the entrance (behind a Lizardman) and can be killed easily. Just keep entering this room and killing Werewolves until ten have been slain. | Tart Tatin | |
An Unwelcome Guest "Can you defeat the Jiang Shi demon?" |
Defeat Jiang Shi |
Enter the Large Cavern and make way through all rooms until reaching the Jiang Shi demon's boss room. Defeat him to complete the quest. This fight is quite easy as long as Shanoa comes equipped with the Melio Scutum glyph, which allows her to block his homing attacks. The real difficult part is making it alive to the last room by surviving all preceding battles. | Winged Boots | |
Daniela |
A Beacon of Hope "Please draw the top of the Lighthouse in your Sketchbook." |
Lighthouse Art |
Return to the Lighthouse and take the elevator up. Enter the topmost room (where the Luminatio glyph was contained), enter the menu and use the Sketch Book. | Garbo Hat |
Important Resting Place "Please draw the waterfall of Tristis Pass in the Sketchbook." |
Waterfall Art |
Enter Tristis Pass and make way to the second big vertical room. A frozen waterfall can be found in this place. Enter the menu and use the Sketch Book. (Note: The drawing can be made either before or after the waterfall has thawed.) |
Treasure Hat | |
Tragic Memories "Please draw the Oblivion Ridge temple in your Sketchbook." |
Church Art |
Use the Sketch Book inside the church located in Oblivion Ridge (leftmost room on the map) after the cutscene with Albus ends. | Dowsing Hat |
- Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Quest Guide by Nyst at GameFAQs
- Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Quest/Villager Guide by Darth Nemesis at GameFAQs