Castlevania Wiki
Castlevania Wiki

Status is a statistic present in Castlevania games. It represents whether or not the player character has a status ailment. In many games, the character's status reads as Good when they are free of any ailment.

Basic ailments[]

These status ailments are in most games that feature the Status statistic, and tend to have similar effects in most games they appear in.


Poison typically drains the character's HP gradually over time. The rate at which it is drained is often proportional to their max HP, making poison as much a threat in later levels as it is early on.


The effects of Curse vary from one game to the next, but it typically limits the character's attack abilities in some way. This ranges from draining MP, disabling certain skills, or even basic attacks.


Suffering the Stone status will petrify the character, leaving them unable to move or take any action. Often they will also take increased damage from attacks if hit while petrified.

Game specific ailments[]

Castlevania (N64)/Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness[]

When bitten by vampire enemies, the character may be infected with the Vamp status. This disables their main attack, makes it impossible to use healing items, and use the ranged attack as Cornell. If it is not cured in time, the condition becomes irreversible, resulting in a game over.

Castlevania: Order of Shadows[]

Desmond can become Silenced during the fight with Rohan Krause, preventing him from using Alchemy Items.

Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls[]

In addition to the uncommon Frozen status, Grimoire of Souls adds four new ailments - Burn, Shock, Slow, and Dizzy. Datamining also reveals an icon for an unused status called "Berserk", which presumably could have had a similar effect to being controlled by an Imp.
