Castlevania Wiki
Castlevania Wiki

it's kind of a shame that the judgment crew is so obviously, screeeeamingly unfamiliar with this game! the trio of partners do have backstories (Mr. P has a translation of the japanese Dracula's Curse manual on-site), and while we north-america-side didn't get much characterization in the way of dialogue, the JP version makes it really clear what these people are like in the way they talk to trevor, and the form of speech they use. grant, for example, nicknames trevor 'sir knight', and basically talks like kamina from Gurren Lagann ('nakama yo!'); sypha's language is very polite and gender-neutral, and she says right off 'thank you for helping me, it was starting to look like i'd be stuck there for quite a while'. she's not a snowball woman. ;p and alucard is...alucard, and he's the only one they got right, but he's pretty easy. he also has a very confusing-to-interpret archaic formal speech pattern!

i know this seems nitpicky and 'oh lol oldsk00l fan', but CV3 is one of my favourite games of all time. (even if i've died ten thousand crackheaded ways playing it.) i'd love to see the entire quartet done justice. SotN has a lovely alucard, and trevor shines in CoD (judgment folks, he's not a jerkface egotist; he admits when he's fouled up and when he's not as suited to a task as hector - do you play the games?) - but sypha and grant are neglected, or completely character-derailed. seriously. sypha's not frosty, and grant is not shy.

this is a beautiful, epic, glorious game, it's one of the best in the series, and i'm patiently awaiting the day that it gets the recognition and treatment it warrants. warren ellis, don't let me down! :) -'burd aka Yukie1013 03:35, 2 April 2009 (UTC)


I think that this art [[1]] is Alucard.--Kiyuhito 13:27, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

I changed this.--Kiyuhito 10:49, July 5, 2010 (UTC)

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Self‐styled staff interview

In the 2ch, Self‐styled Akumajo Densetsu staff had appeared once.

Self‐styled Akumajo Densetsu staff: 882: 開発スタッフだけど聞きたいことある?w

Q: 883: ディレクターは誰? まだコナミにいる?
A: 884: ディレクターは○松さん Kは退職したよ

Q: 885: プロデューサーだかディレクターだか役職は知らないが 実質的に悪魔城伝説という作品を作った人は誰? あとストーリーとかキャラセリフとかシナリオ書いたのは誰?
A: 887: 基本的に、当時のK社のFC部門はプログラマー担当+キャラクター担当+音(別部署から合流)って形でチームを組んでたので、メタルギアの小島君的なクリエイターはいなかった。一人のプログラマーがチームリーダーを担い、ディレクターとして名前が出ることが殆ど。悪魔城伝説に関しては、作品作りは全てチームでの会議。(キャラクター担当者がイメージ作りを引っ張る役目を担うことは多かった。)プレイヤー複数制にしたのは1への回帰&さらに遊びの幅を広げるにはどうすればいいか?という会議の結果。ストーリーとかセリフとかシナリオ(って言ってもシナリオらしいシナリオってあったっけ?)とかキャラの設定とか、マップ(背景とフロア的なもの)を作ったのは自分です。どこにアイテムや敵を設定するかなどは、完成したマップを見て各担当プログラマーが設定した。

Q: 889: ラルフ・C・ベルモンドのCはクリストファーだったのでは? ドラキュラ伝説が同時期に出て年表がおかしくなったのは社内打合せ不足?
A: 890-891: > ラルフ・C・ベルモンドのCはクリストファー です。表の資料に書いてあるかどうかは知らないけど。 > ドラキュラ伝説が同時期に出て~ 違うチームが作ってたからじゃないかな。その時はもう自分居なかったし。○松さんはその辺こだわる人じゃないように見えたから、そのせいかもしれない。IGA体制後に関しては全く知らない。ちなみに自分、当時若かったんで、チームメンバーにはものすごい迷惑をかけた。イイモノ作りたかっただけだったんだが、今振り返ると、どうしようもない態度とやり方に、申し訳なさと恥ずかしさで顔から火が出そうだ。謝れる機会があれば謝りたい。当時は生意気ばっかり言ってチームの和を乱してすみませんでした。ではまた後日。

Although the truth is unknown, I think that credibility is high.--Kiyuhito (talk) 10:04, August 30, 2013 (UTC)

Wow, interesting! Thank you for publishing it here. The "C" in Ralph's name stands for Christopher? --Nagumo baby (talk) 13:57, August 30, 2013 (UTC)

Yes, Ralph Christopher Belmondo. This person has said that "I worked to the story, dialogue, scenario, character profile, and level design(background and object setting. item and enemy settings is other programmers)". It is said that this person wasn't in Konami any longer at the Dracula Densetsu release. This person says that ?matsu-san(Akamatsu) seemed not to be a person adhering to the SONOHEN(timeline and/or canon?).--Kiyuhito (talk) 14:19, August 30, 2013 (UTC)

Although I didn't trust this, I changed my mind, seeing a SCVIV interview.--Kiyuhito (talk) 14:59, August 30, 2013 (UTC)

I think this means: Christopher Belmont = Trevor Belmont in 1989. However, some people don't agree with this. What do you think? --Nagumo baby (talk) 08:32, September 2, 2013 (UTC)

Many people will not trust "Ralph Christopher Belmondo", since this interview is not official. If Igarashi or Akamatsu says that this is right, they will chime in.--Kiyuhito (talk) 09:21, September 2, 2013 (UTC)

Do you think at the time Christopher was supposed to be the ancestor of both Simon and Ralph? So rather than Dracula Densetsu I&II taking place 100 years before Akumajou Dracula/Castlevania, it took place 100 years before Akumajou Densetsu/Dracula's curse? I checked the Dracula Densetsu manual, and it never specifically says how many years before Simon it takes place, but Akumajo Densetsu does mention it takes place 100 years before Simon. Also, the manual seems to imply Dracula hasn't become a Maou yet. He definitely is a Maou in Akumajou Dracula, but I'm not sure if Akumajou Densetsu mentions he is Maou. I know there wasn't much story coordination at the time, but maybe it was like this before IGA changed it by placing Ralph/Akumajou Densetsu earlier? I will try and find a source for this (perhaps Famitsu Dracula Densetsu I&II/Akumajou Densetsu coverage?) --Nagumo baby (talk) 20:53, February 2, 2016 (UTC)

I found this:

Dracula Densetsu II ending: このごベルモンド血すじはバンパイアハンター・ディーとしていくた伝説を生み語りつがれていくことになる。(From then on it had come to pass that many legends about the Belmont lineage as vampire hunters would be passed on).

Akumajou Densetsu manual: ここにきて正教会はついに、太古にまでさかのぼる古い血筋を持ち、忌まわしき者達との戦いの中で生き延びてきた一族である真正ヴァンパイア・ハンターと呼ばれるベルモンド家にワラキア討伐を依頼することとなった。 (I'll translate this later). --Nagumo baby (talk) 17:28, February 8, 2016 (UTC)

When assume Famicom Akumajō Dracula a canon, both Dracula Densetsu and Akumajō Densetsu are wrong. It is written in the story of the Famicom Akumajō Dracula in this way. "The last time Dracula was brought back into this world, the entire world was covered in darkness. With world of darkness now controlled by Dracula's ambitions, a hero named Christopher Belmont set out to defeat him. Christopher defeated Dracula and peace returned to the countryside of Transylvania, at least for another hundred years." (translated by "Help Me") Dracula revived 100 years ago. This means that Dracula was defeated 200 years ago by somebody. Dracula Densetsu does not mention 100 years ago of Christopher. When Ralph is Christopher, it contradicts it in it again. Probably the story was not made much of. Probably Igarashi corrected two contradiction as a canon in Famicom Akumajō Dracula. I think that it is a waste of time to consider contradiction of Dracula Densetsu and Akumajō Densetsu.--Kiyuhito (talk) 06:46, February 9, 2016 (UTC)


  • Dracula Densetsu II ending: このご ベルモンドの血すじは バンパイアハンターとして いくたの伝説を 生み語りつがれて いくことになる。
  • Akumajō Densetsu intro: なすすべのなくなった正教会は、ついに、真正ヴァンパイア・ハンターとよばれるベルモンド家に、ドラキュラとうばつをゆだねることを けついした。ベルモンド家とは、太古にまでさかのぼるふるい血すじをもち、いまわしき者たちとのたたかいのなかでいきのびてきたといういちぞくであった。
  • Akumajō Densetsu manual: ここにきて教皇はついに、真正ヴァンパイア・ハンターであるベルモンド家にワラキア討伐を依頼することとなった。ベルモンド家は、そのあまりにも強靭な精神力と底知れぬ能力のため、一般の人々からは、ヴァンパイアと同じように受けとめられ恐れられていた。そのため、世俗から遠く離れてひっそりと生きているという、半ば伝説と化した一族であった。

--Kiyuhito (talk) 07:08, February 9, 2016 (UTC)

Yes, I'm aware of the Famicom Akumajō Dracula manual. However, when you take look at what was said in the 2ch interview, it makes sense. The original intention was for Ralph's middle name to be Christopher, right? If you interpret the "hero Christopher" from the Famicom/MSX2 Akumajō Dracula manual to be how Ralph later became known in legends, there is no condradiction. I checked the manuals, openings, etc in Japanese to make sure. So basically: Dracula Densetsu Christopher ≠ Hero Christopher (Ralph). I think this is how the condradiction was originally corrected pre-IGA. I think Igarashi just wanted Akumajou Densetsu to be first because of personal preference. Also, I think this is a possible explation for why Rondo of Blood says Dracula = 800 years old. I don't think Dracula Densetsu Christopher is neccesarily 100 years before Akumajou Densetsu, it could be longer. So a possible sequence of events could be like this:

  • Dracula Densetsu (10th/11th/12th/13th/14th century?)

(15 years)

  • Dracula Densetsu II (the legend of the Belmont family as vampire hunters begins).

??? years

  • Belmont family is exiled.

??? years

  • Akumajou Densetsu (15th century)

100 years (legend of the Hero Christopher a.k.a Ralph is passed down).

  • Akumajou Dracula (16th century)

7 years

  • Dracula II

100 years

  • Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo (17th century/Dracula is 800 years).

Multiple placements for Dracula Densetsu I&II are possible.--Nagumo baby (talk) 16:49, February 9, 2016 (UTC)

"Dracula Densetsu does not mention 100 years ago of Christopher." Recently, I found this. It's small but below I think it says: ドラキュラがまた眠り覚めるという。(It's said Dracula has once again awoken from his slumber). --Nagumo baby (talk) 17:10, February 9, 2017 (UTC)

Akumajo Densetsu Wii U Virtual Console April 16, 2014. 514 yen (including tax) --Kiyuhito (talk) 03:52, April 9, 2014 (UTC)

3DS Virtual Console For Europe.--Kiyuhito (talk) 05:10, April 20, 2014 (UTC)

Oh great! I may take it! --Chernabogue (talk) 08:43, April 20, 2014 (UTC)
In Japan, this does not yet come. :-( --Kiyuhito (talk) 06:46, February 9, 2016 (UTC)