Castlevania Wiki
Castlevania Wiki
For the Lords of Shadow boss, see Dracolich Titan.

The Dracolich is the second and final stage of Chapter 11.

Zobek's journal[]

"Look at him, so dark, so beautiful. He has come for his revenge and he shall have it. A killing machine without remorse, without pity. What has happened to you, Gabriel? What have you become? Love has blinded you but you have changed, my friend. Your quest is almost over, the dream is in sight. Now you must face death and you must defeat it. The mask is a powerful device and he who wields it can do anything! Bring back the dead, rule the world, destroy the universe, challenge God himself. You are the one, Gabriel. You are the one!"

Enemy Data[]

Enemy Data: The Dracolich
Image Name - Game
Statistics Items Location Notes
DracolichTitan Dracolich Titan  - Lords of Shadow [ edit ]
Necromancers are evil wizards who can control the dead with dark powers. (...) Strong: Dagger ×3, Fairy ×3, Holy Water ×3
Weak: Crystal ×2
Size: Huge
Difficulty: High
The Dracolich
ZombiesLOS Zombie  - see also here - Lords of Shadow [ edit ]
Zombies are the most basic creations of a master Necromancer and form the rank and file of the Lord of the Dead's army. (...) Strong: Fairy ×3
Weak: Dagger, Light Fairy ×2, Holy Water ×2, Crystal ×3
Size: Medium
Difficulty: Low
Chapter 10, 11

External links[]
