Castlevania Wiki
Castlevania Wiki
See also: Magic Book (disambiguation)

Tomes are magic books used as weapons by Charlotte Aulin.

Game specific information[]

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin[]

While they lack physical power compared to Jonathan's weaponry, they compensate this by being an early source of elemental melee attacks and/or having extra vertical range. Besides, they are one of the fastest melee weapon classes in the game, only outclassed by short swords and fists in speed.

Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls[]

Charlotte Aulin uses Tomes as her Main and Support Weapons in Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls. Tomes behave differently in Grimoire of Souls, firing magic projectiles instead of being melee weapons. The basic attack can be fired at an upward or downward 45 degree angle, and also charged for a more powerful shot.

Item Data[]

Item Data: Tomes
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Encyclopedia Icon Encyclopedia (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
One of Charlotte's favorite books. Attrib: Slash, Holy
ATK +3
Sell: (cannot be sold)
Find: (starts with)
Blank Book Icon Blank Book (Book of Blank Paper) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
A book so frightening the words ran away, leaving it blank. Attrib: Slash
ATK +10
Sell: $200
Buy: $800
Find: Entrance (Vincent's shop)
Tristan&Isolde Icon Tristan&Isolde (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The love story of a noble knight. Attrib: Ice
ATK +28
Sell: $2,500
Find: Forest of Doom
Tristan&Isolde Icon Don Quixote (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The story of a man who thought himself a gallant knight. Attrib: Fire
ATK +18
Sell: $500
Find: Great Stairway
Book of Death Icon Book of Death (Book of the Dead) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
A papyrus tome entombed with the dead. Attrib: Dark
ATK +44
Sell: $6,000
Find: Forgotten City
Tome of Arms Icon Tome of Arms 1 (Weapons Dictionary 1) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
An encyclopedia of weaponry. (Volume 1 of 3) Attrib: Slash
ATK +8
Sell: $250
Find: Entrance
Tome of Arms Icon Tome of Arms 2 (Weapons Dictionary 2) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
An encyclopedia of weaponry. (Volume 2 of 3) Attrib: Slash
ATK +50
Sell: $1,250
Find: Great Stairway
Tome of Arms Icon Tome of Arms 3 (Weapons Dictionary 3) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
An encyclopedia of weaponry. (Volume 3 of 3) Attrib: Slash
ATK +80
Sell: $10,000
Find: Burnt Paradise
Tome of Arms X Icon Tome of Arms X (Extended Weapons Dictionary) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The secret lost volume, banned for its destructive secrets. Attrib: Holy
ATK +70
Sell: (cannot be sold)
Find: Entrance (reward from Wind)
Conditions: Complete "The Lost Page" quest.
Tome of Arms Icon Book of Binding (Book of Seals) - Harmony of Despair
  Tome - Charlotte
Book that gains strength as it captures new spells. Attrib: Slash, Pierce
ATK +3
Sell: (cannot be sold)
Find: Start with
Evolve: ATK +64
GoS Book Book (jpn) - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
An introduction to witchcraft. A note on the front page reads "Never lose your adventurous spirit!"
Japan A book containing basic magic. Inside the front cover is written in handwriting, "Don't forget your original intention."
Attrib: Atropos
ATK +157
Rarity: ★
Find: Starts with (original game)
Reward: Dracula's Castle 3-1
Special: Broom Attack
GoS Blank Book Blank Book - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The ink appears to have run from its pages. The mysteries it once contained are forever lost. Rarity: ★★
Summon: 300 Gems (any book)
Notes: Unreleased in original game
GoS Encyclopedia Encyclopedia - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
An amalgamated compendium of knowledge. Charlotte keeps it regularly updated. Rarity: ★★
Summon: 300 Gems (any book)
Notes: Unreleased in original game
GoS Sword & Sorcery I Sword & Sorcery I - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The first volume in a series exploring the military uses of magic. Details beginner spells. Attrib: Clotho
ATK +169/2156, CRIT +0/804 (Initial/Max upgrades)
Rarity: ★★
Summon: 300 Gems (any book)
Special: Guardian Blade
GoS Flower Diary Flower Diary - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The lost diary of a young lady. Advanced magical theory mixes seamlessly with youthful ponderings. Attrib: Lachesis
ATK +168/2143, CRIT +0/804 (Initial/Max upgrades)
Rarity: ★★
Find: Starts with (original game)
Reward: Dracula's Castle 3-1
Summon: 300 Gems (any book)
Special: 100 Swords
GoS Black Notebook Black Notebook - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Contains the labored scribblings of a magician lost in research. Rarity: ★★
Summon: 300 Gems (any book)
Notes: Unreleased in original game
GoS Sword & Sorcery II Sword & Sorcery II - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The second volume in a series exploring the military uses of magic. Details intermediate spells. Attrib: Fire, Atropos
ATK +175, Fire +150
Rarity: ★★★
Special: Fire Weapon I
GoS Tristan and Iseult Tristan and Iseult - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The tragic story of an adulterous love between a Cornish knight and an Irish princess. Attrib: Ice, Lachesis
ATK +175, Ice +150
Rarity: ★★★
Special: Ice Weapon I
GoS Don Quixote Don Quixote - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Follows a Spanish noble as he attempts to revive chivalry and bring justice to the world. Attrib: Fire, Clotho
ATK +173, Lightning +150
Rarity: ★★★
Special: Fire Bloom I
GoS Legend of Arthur Legend of Arthur - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
A collection of Merlin's thoughts on the future king of Britain and the Knights of the Round Table. Attrib: Holy, Lachesis
ATK +174, Holy +150
Rarity: ★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (3★), 300 Gems (A City of Fog)
Special: Rapid Flash I
GoS Gikeiki Gikeiki - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Details the stormy legends of the military commander Minamoto no Yoshitsune and his followers. Attrib: Thunder, Clotho
ATK +172, Thunder +150
Rarity: ★★★
Reward: Dracula's Castle 3-1
Summon: Precious Gem (3★), 300 Gems (Dracula's Castle)
Special: Thunder Bloom I
GoS The Blue Bird The Blue Bird - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Follows the travels of a brother and sister in their search for The Blue Bird of Happiness. Attrib: Thunder, Atropos
ATK +175, Lightning +150
Rarity: ★★★
Special: Harpy Wing I
GoS The Snow Queen The Snow Queen - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The trials of a young girl attempting to save her childhood friend from the grips of an evil queen. Attrib: Ice, Clotho
ATK +175, Ice +150
Rarity: ★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (3★), 300 Gems (Ash Banquet)
Special: Hailstorm I
GoS The Book of Healing The Book of Healing - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
A story of the power of love overcoming an incurable disease. Attrib: Holy, Lachesis
ATK +174, Holy +150
Rarity: ★★★
Special: Area Heal I
GoS The Raven The Raven - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The story of a raven with an ominous cry. Anyone who listens goes mad with darkness. Attrib: Dark, Atropos
ATK +176, Dark +150
Rarity: ★★★
Special: Raven Wing I
GoS Sword & Sorcery III Sword & Sorcery III - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The third volume in a series exploring the military uses of magic. Details advanced spells. Attrib: Ice, Lachesis
ATK +185, Ice +225
Rarity: ★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (4★)
Special: Ice Weapon I
GoS Mutus Liber Mutus Liber - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The musings of a famed alchemist in pursuit of the legendary Philosopher's Stone. Attrib: Holy, Lachesis
ATK +187, Holy +225
Rarity: ★★★★
Special: Divine Storm I
GoS Death's Notebook Death's Notebook - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Details the deaths of various figures throughout the ages. Alucard finds the handwriting oddly familiar. Attrib: Dark, Clotho
ATK +186, Dark +225
Rarity: ★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (3★/4★), 300 Gems (Ash Banquet)
Special: Raven Wing I
GoS The Four Elements Water The Four Elements: Water - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Compendium of alchemical knowledge on one of the four key elements. Rarity: ★★★★
Special: Northern Wing I
Notes: Unreleased in original game
GoS The Four Elements Fire The Four Elements: Fire - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Compendium of alchemical knowledge on one of the four key elements. Attrib: Fire, Clotho
ATK +185, Fire +225
Rarity: ★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (3★/4★), 300 Gems (That Which Writhes)
Special: Rapid Fire I
GoS Senji Ryakketsu Senji Ryakketsu - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Written by the legendary Abe no Seimei. Details the esoteric practices of onmyoudo. Attrib: Lightning, Clotho
ATK +183, Lightning +225
Rarity: ★★★★
Special: Rapid Thunder I
GoS Lost Chronicles Lost Chronicles - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
History may be decided by the victor, but a single book can light the way to the truth. Attrib: Dark, Atropos
ATK +183, Dark +225
Rarity: ★★★★
Special: Dark Bloom I
GoS Frankenstein Frankenstein - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The chronicles of a mad scientist trying to come to terms with the monstrosity he created. Attrib: Thunder, Atropos
ATK +183, Lightning +225
Rarity: ★★★★
Special: Thunder Weapon I
GoS Sword & Sorcery X Sword & Sorcery X - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The final volume in a series exploring the military uses of magic. Details forbidden spells. Attrib: Holy, Atropos
ATK +195, Holy +300
Rarity: ★★★★★
Buy: 50,000 Astral Atraments
Special: Holy Weapon II
GoS Necronomicon Necronomicon - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
An incomplete copy of a grimoire created by a mad poet. It contains magic for summoning powerful evil beings and can easily drive any regular person insane. Attrib: Dark, Atropos
ATK +195, Dark +300
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (5★)
Special: Rapid Obsidian II
GoS Codex Regius Codex Regius - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Contains a series of Old Norse poems written on 45 vellum pages, detailing the adventures of Norse heroes. Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (5★)
Notes: Unreleased in original game
GoS Tesla's Notebook Tesla's Notebook - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Attrib: Thunder, Clotho
ATK +196, Lightning +300
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (3★/4★/5★), 300 Gems (That Which Writhes)
Special: Thunder Storm II
GoS Enochian Tome Enochian Tome - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
A compendium of knowledge brought to humanity by the angel Raziel. Attrib: Holy, Lachesis
ATK +195, Holy +300
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (3★/4★/5★), 300 Gems (A City of Fog)
Special: Area Heal II
The Book of Abramelin - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Details the methods for communion with one's guardian angel. Employs the 12 Kings and Dukes of hell as familiars. Attrib: Fire, Lachesis
ATK +196, Fire +1125
Buy: 100,000 Soul Fragments
Special: Phoenix Wing II
GoS Chronicles of Claudius Chronicles of Claudius - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Details the lost records of the Roman Empire, written by the historian Tacitus. Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (3★/4★/5★), 300 Gems (Ash Banquet)
Notes: Unreleased in original game
GoS Galdrabok Galdrabok - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
An Icelandic grimoire containing a collection of 47 runic spells, both protective and destructive. Attrib: Ice, Clotho
ATK +196, Ice +300
Rarity: ★★★★★
Buy: 25,000 Elgos Coins
Special: Hailstorm II
GoS Secret Verses Secret Verses - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The compilation of Charlotte's research into the mystic arts. Only she is aware of its existence. Attrib: Dark, Atropos
ATK +196, Dark +300
Rarity: ★★★★★
Buy: 50,000 Astral Atraments
Special: Paint It Black
GoS Book of Nemesis Book of Nemesis - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Contains information on technologies far beyond the current capabilities of man. Is that a starship?! Attrib: Ice, Atropos
ATK +197, Ice +300
Rarity: ★★★★★
Buy: 3,000 Bounty Coin; 25,000 Elgos Coins
Special: Ripple Laser
GoS The Key of Solomon The Key of Solomon - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
A compendium of all magical knowledge. Details the methods for summoning and constraining 72 demons. Attrib: Dark, Atropos
ATK +196, Dark +300
Rarity: ★★★★★
Buy: 25,000 Halloween Coins
Special: Deadly Storm II
GoS Blessed Book Blessed Book - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
A book blessed by an archangel. Said to grant greater experience to those who have decoded its heavenly script. Attrib: Holy, Clotho
ATK +195/5412, CRIT +0/804, Holy +300/752 (Initial/Max upgrades)
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (4★/5★)
Special: Holy Bloom II
The Three Arts - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Contains China's highest metaphysical arts. Hidden away by an ancient Emperor who feared misuse.
Japan Continental divination book. It was sealed in the emperor's tomb as a taboo by those who feared misuse of its power.
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (3★/4★/5★), 300 Gems (Dracula's Castle)
Book of Genesis - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Details the creation of the world and man's appointment as the regent of God. Buy: 25,000 Winter Coins
Special: Brilliant Wing II
1,000 and 1 Nights - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
A collection of Middle Eastern folk tales. Burns with the fires of the Arabian desert. Attrib: Fire
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (4★/5★)
The Frozen Wonders - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
Inscribed with the secrets to controlling ice and imbued with the power of Genbu, one of the Four Sacred Beasts. Attrib: Ice
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (4★/5★)
Sacred Healing Text - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
An introduction to the methods of sacred healing. Largely devoted to recovery magics attained through divine powers. Attrib: Holy
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (4★)
Les Propheties - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
A collection of prophesies made by a French seer. Details Dracula's return in 1999. Attrib: Fire
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (5★)
Labyrinth Guidebook - Grimoire of Souls
  Weapon (Tome) - Charlotte
The tale of a young witch and her whip-wielding friend in their journey to defeat the darkness. Attrib: Lightning
Rarity: ★★★★★
Summon: Precious Gem (5★)

