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For the proper weapon called "Long Spear", see Long Spear.
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The Trident is a three-pronged spear.

Item Data[]

Item Data: Trident
Image Name - Game
  Type - Users
Attributes / Consume Statistics / Sell Found Notes
Alcarde Spear BL Long Spear (Trident) (jpn) - Bloodlines
  Spear - Eric Lecarde
(The Alucard Spear at level 3) Create: Long Spear + Coat of Arms
Evolve: Blazing Spear with Coat of Arms or sometimes Spell Book
Trident AoS Icon Trident (jpn) - Aria of Sorrow
  Weapon - Soma
Spear with a three-pronged tip. Attrib: Sword
ATK +28
Sell: $1,050
Buy: $2,100
Find: Hammer's shop
Common Drop: Triton
Trident DoS Icon Trident (jpn) - Dawn of Sorrow
  Polearm - Soma
A three-pronged spear Attrib: Piercing
Consume: 50 MP (Special Attack)
ATK +58
Sell: $10,000
Find: Yoko's shop
Create: Lance + Mini Devil Soul
Effect: Pierce
Special: Lunge
Evolve: + Decarabia Soul >> Brionac
Trident Trident (jpn) - Curse of Darkness
  Spear - Hector
A long, three-pronged fork, created with the intent of increasing accuracy. ATK +30
Sell: $450
Create: Sasumata + Ether + Aquamarine
Special: Overhead tornado spin (final attack after three chained attacks) (Attrib: Wind)
Trident PoR Icon Trident (jpn) - Portrait of Ruin
  Weapon (Spear) - Jonathan
A three-pronged spear. Attrib: Slash
Consume: 50 MP (Critical Art)
ATK +70
Sell: $2,000
Drop: Imp
Trident PoR Icon Trident (jpn) - Harmony of Despair
  Lance - Soma
Three-pronged spear. Attrib: Pierce
#hands: 2
ATK +30, MP +3
Sell: $2,500
Rarity: ***
Buy: $10,000
Special: ↓↘→ + [Attack] for stronger hit (15 MP)


