Wai Wai World 1 & 2 Sound Collection is the original soundtrack for the games Konami Wai Wai World and Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Parsley Castle. Released on May 19, 2014 in Japan. It is a compilation of several digital albums released in a physical format.
Track list[]
Disc 1[]
FC version Konami Wai Wai World[]
- OPEN1 (Garage BGM)
- OPEN2 (Stage Select BGM)
- BGM1 (Konami Man BGM)
- BGM2 (Konami Lady BGM)
- BGM3 (Goemon BGM)
- BGM6 (Character "M" BGM)
- BGM4 (Simon BGM)
- BOSS1 (Dracula Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM5 (Getsu Fuma BGM)
- BOSS4 (Getsu Fuma Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM7 (Moai BGM)
- BOSS6 (Moai Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM8 (Character "K" BGM)
- BOSS5 (Character "K" Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM9 (Rescue Jingle)
- BGM10 (Shooting Stage BGM)
- BOSS2 (Shooting Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM11 (Final Stage BGM)
- BOSS3 (Final Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM13 (Final Stage Escape BGM)
- END (Ending BGM)
Mobile version Konami Wai Wai World FM sound version[]
- OPEN1 (Garage BGM)
- OPEN2 (Stage Select BGM)
- BGM1 (Konami Man BGM)
- BGM2 (Konami Lady BGM)
- BGM3 (Goemon BGM)
- BGM6 (Upa BGM)
- BGM4 (Simon BGM)
- BOSS1 (Dracula Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM5 (Getsu Fuma BGM)
- BOSS4 (Getsu Fuma Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM7 (Moai BGM)
- BOSS6 (Moai Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM8 (Penta BGM)
- BGM18 (Penguin Boss)
- BGM9 (Rescue Jingle)
- BGM10 (Shooting Stage BGM)
- BOSS2 (Shooting Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM11 (Final Stage BGM)
- BOSS3 (Final Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM13 (Final Stage Escape BGM)
- END (Ending BGM)
Mobile version Konami Wai Wai World PCM sound version[]
- OPEN1 (Garage BGM)
- OPEN2 (Stage Select BGM)
- BGM1 (Konami Man BGM)
- BGM2 (Konami Lady BGM)
- BGM3 (Goemon BGM)
- BGM6 (Upa BGM)
- BGM4 (Simon BGM)
- BOSS1 (Dracula Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM5 (Getsu Fuma BGM)
- BOSS4 (Getsu Fuma Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM7 (Moai BGM)
- BOSS6 (Moai Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM8 (Penta BGM)
- BGM18 (Penguin Boss)
- BGM9 (Rescue Jingle)
- BGM10 (Shooting Stage BGM)
- BOSS2 (Shooting Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM11 (Final Stage BGM)
- BOSS3 (Final Stage Boss BGM)
- BGM13 (Final Stage Escape BGM)
- END (Ending BGM)
Disc 2[]
FC version Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Parsley Castle[]
- Opening (Opening Demo BGM1)
- To Battle (Opening Demo BGM2)
- Run! Rickle 2 (Player Select BGM)
- Run! Rickle 3 (Map Screen BGM)
- Run! Rickle 1 (Future Town Stage BGM)
- Rickle Shooter GO! 1 (Sky Stage BGM)
- Rickle Shooter GO! 2 (Sky Huge Battleship Stage BGM)
- Rickle Shooter GO! 3 (Battleship Boss BGM)
- Rickle Shooter GO! 4 (1 Stage Clear BGM)
- Flower of O-Edo 1 (From Goemon: Goemon Stage BGM1)
- Flower of O-Edo 2 (From Goemon: Goemon Stage BGM2)
- Flower of O-Edo 3 (From Goemon: Warrior Boss BGM)
- Flower of O-Edo 4 (From Goemon: Stage Select BGM、Score Total BGM)
- Twinbee Takeoff! 1 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Start Fanfare BGM)
- Twinbee Takeoff! 2 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Normal BGM)
- Twinbee Takeoff! 3 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Power Up Fanfare BGM)
- Twinbee Takeoff! 4 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Power Up BGM)
- Twinbee Takeoff! 5 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Donburi Boss BGM)
- Twinbee Takeoff! 6 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Dinosaur Boss BGM)
- TWIN_3D (From Twinbee: Twinbee 3D Stage BGM)
- Jungle Battle 1 (From Contra: Contra Stage BGM)
- Jungle Battle 2 (From Contra: Alien Boss BGM)
- Candy Dance 1 (From Bokutte Upa: Candy Stage BGM)
- Candy Dance 2 (From Bokutte Upa: Melon Soda Stage BGM)
- Candy Dance 3 (From Bokutte Upa: Treasure Chest Appearance BGM)
- Welcome to the Puzzle World 1 (How to Puzzle Stage BGM)
- Speed Action 1 (Race Stage BGM)
- Speed Action 2 (Race Stage Boss BGM)
- Invitation to the Demon World (From Getsu Fūma Den: Getsu Fūma Den Stage BGM)
- Invitation to the Demon World (From Getsu Fūma Den: Getsu Fūma Den Stage Boss BGM)
- Ancient Ruined Star Moai 1 (From Gradius: Dog Fight BGM)
- Ancient Ruined Star Moai 2 (From Gradius: Moai Stage BGM)
- Ancient Ruined Star Moai 3 (From Gradius: Jiang Shi Moai Boss BGM)
- Japanese-style Fortress Bamboo Grove 1 (From Gradius: Japanese-style Fortress Stage BGM)
- Japanese-style Fortress Bamboo Grove 2 (From Gradius: Giant Crab Boss BGM)
- Japanese-style Fortress Bamboo Grove 3 (From Gradius: Big Core Stage BGM)
- Return of Frogger (From Frogger: Frogger Stage BGM)
- Invitation to the Demon Castle 1 (From Dracula: Dracula Stage BGM1)
- Invitation to the Demon Castle 2 (From Dracula: Dracula Stage BGM2)
- Invitation to the Demon Castle 3 (From Dracula: Dracula Stage Boss BGM)
- Magical Action 1 (Final Stage BGM)
- Magical Action 2 (Final Stage Boss BGM)
- Magical Action 4 (All Stage Clear BGM)
- Magical Action 3 (Password Screen BGM)
- Magical Action 5 (Game Over BGM)
- Eternal Dream ~Our Parsley Castle~ (Ending Demo BGM)