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Wai Wai World 1 & 2 Sound Collection is the original soundtrack for the games Konami Wai Wai World and Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Parsley Castle. Released on May 19, 2014 in Japan. It is a compilation of several digital albums released in a physical format.

Track list[]

Disc 1[]

FC version Konami Wai Wai World[]

  1. OPEN1 (Garage BGM)
  2. OPEN2 (Stage Select BGM)
  3. BGM1 (Konami Man BGM)
  4. BGM2 (Konami Lady BGM)
  5. BGM3 (Goemon BGM)
  6. BGM6 (Character "M" BGM)
  7. BGM4 (Simon BGM)
  8. BOSS1 (Dracula Stage Boss BGM)
  9. BGM5 (Getsu Fuma BGM)
  10. BOSS4 (Getsu Fuma Stage Boss BGM)
  11. BGM7 (Moai BGM)
  12. BOSS6 (Moai Stage Boss BGM)
  13. BGM8 (Character "K" BGM)
  14. BOSS5 (Character "K" Stage Boss BGM)
  15. BGM9 (Rescue Jingle)
  16. BGM10 (Shooting Stage BGM)
  17. BOSS2 (Shooting Stage Boss BGM)
  18. BGM11 (Final Stage BGM)
  19. BOSS3 (Final Stage Boss BGM)
  20. BGM13 (Final Stage Escape BGM)
  21. END (Ending BGM)

Mobile version Konami Wai Wai World FM sound version[]

  1. OPEN1 (Garage BGM)
  2. OPEN2 (Stage Select BGM)
  3. BGM1 (Konami Man BGM)
  4. BGM2 (Konami Lady BGM)
  5. BGM3 (Goemon BGM)
  6. BGM6 (Upa BGM)
  7. BGM4 (Simon BGM)
  8. BOSS1 (Dracula Stage Boss BGM)
  9. BGM5 (Getsu Fuma BGM)
  10. BOSS4 (Getsu Fuma Stage Boss BGM)
  11. BGM7 (Moai BGM)
  12. BOSS6 (Moai Stage Boss BGM)
  13. BGM8 (Penta BGM)
  14. BGM18 (Penguin Boss)
  15. BGM9 (Rescue Jingle)
  16. BGM10 (Shooting Stage BGM)
  17. BOSS2 (Shooting Stage Boss BGM)
  18. BGM11 (Final Stage BGM)
  19. BOSS3 (Final Stage Boss BGM)
  20. BGM13 (Final Stage Escape BGM)
  21. END (Ending BGM)

Mobile version Konami Wai Wai World PCM sound version[]

  1. OPEN1 (Garage BGM)
  2. OPEN2 (Stage Select BGM)
  3. BGM1 (Konami Man BGM)
  4. BGM2 (Konami Lady BGM)
  5. BGM3 (Goemon BGM)
  6. BGM6 (Upa BGM)
  7. BGM4 (Simon BGM)
  8. BOSS1 (Dracula Stage Boss BGM)
  9. BGM5 (Getsu Fuma BGM)
  10. BOSS4 (Getsu Fuma Stage Boss BGM)
  11. BGM7 (Moai BGM)
  12. BOSS6 (Moai Stage Boss BGM)
  13. BGM8 (Penta BGM)
  14. BGM18 (Penguin Boss)
  15. BGM9 (Rescue Jingle)
  16. BGM10 (Shooting Stage BGM)
  17. BOSS2 (Shooting Stage Boss BGM)
  18. BGM11 (Final Stage BGM)
  19. BOSS3 (Final Stage Boss BGM)
  20. BGM13 (Final Stage Escape BGM)
  21. END (Ending BGM)

Disc 2[]

FC version Wai Wai World 2: SOS!! Parsley Castle[]

  1. Opening (Opening Demo BGM1)
  2. To Battle (Opening Demo BGM2)
  3. Run! Rickle 2 (Player Select BGM)
  4. Run! Rickle 3 (Map Screen BGM)
  5. Run! Rickle 1 (Future Town Stage BGM)
  6. Rickle Shooter GO! 1 (Sky Stage BGM)
  7. Rickle Shooter GO! 2 (Sky Huge Battleship Stage BGM)
  8. Rickle Shooter GO! 3 (Battleship Boss BGM)
  9. Rickle Shooter GO! 4 (1 Stage Clear BGM)
  10. Flower of O-Edo 1 (From Goemon: Goemon Stage BGM1)
  11. Flower of O-Edo 2 (From Goemon: Goemon Stage BGM2)
  12. Flower of O-Edo 3 (From Goemon: Warrior Boss BGM)
  13. Flower of O-Edo 4 (From Goemon: Stage Select BGM、Score Total BGM)
  14. Twinbee Takeoff! 1 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Start Fanfare BGM)
  15. Twinbee Takeoff! 2 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Normal BGM)
  16. Twinbee Takeoff! 3 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Power Up Fanfare BGM)
  17. Twinbee Takeoff! 4 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Power Up BGM)
  18. Twinbee Takeoff! 5 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Donburi Boss BGM)
  19. Twinbee Takeoff! 6 (From Twinbee: Twinbee Dinosaur Boss BGM)
  20. TWIN_3D (From Twinbee: Twinbee 3D Stage BGM)
  21. Jungle Battle 1 (From Contra: Contra Stage BGM)
  22. Jungle Battle 2 (From Contra: Alien Boss BGM)
  23. Candy Dance 1 (From Bokutte Upa: Candy Stage BGM)
  24. Candy Dance 2 (From Bokutte Upa: Melon Soda Stage BGM)
  25. Candy Dance 3 (From Bokutte Upa: Treasure Chest Appearance BGM)
  26. Welcome to the Puzzle World 1 (How to Puzzle Stage BGM)
  27. Speed Action 1 (Race Stage BGM)
  28. Speed Action 2 (Race Stage Boss BGM)
  29. Invitation to the Demon World (From Getsu Fūma Den: Getsu Fūma Den Stage BGM)
  30. Invitation to the Demon World (From Getsu Fūma Den: Getsu Fūma Den Stage Boss BGM)
  31. Ancient Ruined Star Moai 1 (From Gradius: Dog Fight BGM)
  32. Ancient Ruined Star Moai 2 (From Gradius: Moai Stage BGM)
  33. Ancient Ruined Star Moai 3 (From Gradius: Jiang Shi Moai Boss BGM)
  34. Japanese-style Fortress Bamboo Grove 1 (From Gradius: Japanese-style Fortress Stage BGM)
  35. Japanese-style Fortress Bamboo Grove 2 (From Gradius: Giant Crab Boss BGM)
  36. Japanese-style Fortress Bamboo Grove 3 (From Gradius: Big Core Stage BGM)
  37. Return of Frogger (From Frogger: Frogger Stage BGM)
  38. Invitation to the Demon Castle 1 (From Dracula: Dracula Stage BGM1)
  39. Invitation to the Demon Castle 2 (From Dracula: Dracula Stage BGM2)
  40. Invitation to the Demon Castle 3 (From Dracula: Dracula Stage Boss BGM)
  41. Magical Action 1 (Final Stage BGM)
  42. Magical Action 2 (Final Stage Boss BGM)
  43. Magical Action 4 (All Stage Clear BGM)
  44. Magical Action 3 (Password Screen BGM)
  45. Magical Action 5 (Game Over BGM)
  46. Eternal Dream ~Our Parsley Castle~ (Ending Demo BGM)

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