The Witch Child is an enemy in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. They are anthropomorphic bird-like creatures that are born from eggs already in adult form and aid their mother, Crow Witch Malphas, in battle.
Witch Children are faced by Gabriel Belmont in his battle against Crow Witch Malphas. Malphas will spew out several eggs at a time, each containing a Witch Child.
These enemies are particularly agile and block frequently, so it's best to stay on the ground and flank them consistently. Witch Children have deadly swooping attacks, are able to breathe fire, and swipe at Gabriel with their claws if he is too close.
Despite mainly seen performing short, quick leaps in battle, they can be seen briefly taking flight and hovering around in short lapses, which implies they have the ability to fly properly since birth, although this ability is not widely shown in the short lifespan they have in the game.
Enemy Data[]